The last "I love you"

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Eleven never liked goodbyes. She was not even good at them: she would always forget what she wanted to say and, instead, she'd say something silly which would baffle the other person's mind...

And she definitely didn't want to mess up her last goodbye to Mike. Sure, they had been seperated before, like when she defeated the demongorgon or when she went to close the gate, but this time it was different.

She knew she would lose him, that's why.

And her feelings were stronger than ever before now. A "goodbye Mike" wasn't enough.

Not at the least.

So she was determined to tell him infinite things about her feelings before he left.

Left. Oh god, that would actually happen in a matter of minutes.

She looked to her right, and saw his amazing body sleeping peacefully next to her. His hair was extremely messy, his mouth half-open, as he was breathing slowly in rhythm.

He-actually both of them- were still naked from last night but that wasn't awkward at all, it was...refreshing.

She had memorised every little detail about last night: the cinema, the restaurant and then the house. Had she been so lucky that Joyce and Hopper were away-they rarely had a house all for themselves.

Oh shit, Hopper and Joyce.

El's eyes widened in a matter of seconds, or in fractions of seconds as she realised that Hopper and Joyce would come back that day to say goodbye to the boys.

"Mikee...oh shit, Mike!" she said and shook him a little.

He opened his eyes lazily

"What happened?" he responded as his eyes were rounding circles from the dizzyness

"Hopper and Joyce were supposed to come back today to say goodbye to you" she said nervously

"Oh fuckk...I forgot" he replied in annoyance at the realisation he had to wake up

"Yeah, so stand up and dress up, because you really don't wanna see an extremely-capable-of-killing Hopper ready to murder you" she warned him

He giggled at the imagination of the scene

"Okay, whatever your magesty wants" he answered and, as he stood up, made a small vow towards her, to which she laughed playfully.

Which faded away after she remembered that in an hour they would be saying their last goodbye outside of the Byers' residence.

However, his willingness and effort to make her forget about it were more than obvious.

"I'm gonna go to my house to get my suitcases" he said as it wasn't a big deal. He even smiled after he announced it. At the same time he was dressing up.

The last time Eleven would see him dressing up. Well, at least for the time being.

In an attempt to get her out of her heartbreaking thoughts, he approached her and gently kissed her soft lips.

"I will be waiting for you outside Will's house, okay?" he asked with a short, sad smile. And even though he knew the answer, he wanted to make sure.

He just received a small, disappointed nod as a reaction.

"Okay, and be happy" he ordered her and pecked her lips once again.

Then, he turned his back and left the house.

Just like that, the last time Eleven and Mike would be in the same room alone, came to an end.

Just like that.

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now