Crashed down

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This is pure shit


"My name is El Hopper" the girl said, with countless tears running down her cheeks, which were puffy from the unstoppable crying that had occured the night prior.

"And what's your problem?" the woman asked as she saw her terrible condition, her patient seemed like she was in a really bad trouble

"I am pregnant" El whispered as another sob escaped her chapped lips "That's my problem"

The blond woman laughed- it was more of a giggle than mocking- as El's brows furrowed in confusion

"That's not a problem, honey" she claimed "And I think that you came to the wrong office. The gynaecologist is right to your left"

"No" eleven replied, her eyes shining like stars "You don't understand. I need a psychologist, I don't have anybody to talk to"

"Honey, pregnancy is not a problem" the woman said encouragingly "I understand that you are really young and that the baby can cut your wings off, but, trust me, you will be more than okay"

El sobbed again, as the tears became thicker and rapider, just like the pain that was strangling her heart 

"It is a problem" she allocated stubbornly

Maya Hawke tempted her patient to explain whatever she was feeling, pretty convinced that it would be nothing serious, a simple teenage breakdown caused of stress.

Little did she know.

"I have lost my cheer. Some abilities I had. I haven't talked to my friends in days. I haven't talked to my brother either. I lost my puppy. I lost my boyfriend. And if those weren't enough, I am pregnant with his child, which means that I lost my childhood too" she said and her voice cracked numerous times, as dr. Hawke rubbed her head in confusion, taking in all the information she could.

"Well, first of all, please stop crying. We need you strong" she pleased, but El wasn't sure whether she could be capable of stopping or not.

"Secondly, why aren't you talking with your friends, your brother and your boyfriend?"

El's eyes darkened "I did a big, big mistake" she admitted

"I lied. I lied to all of them. And I guess my boyfriend got hurt because we had been together since we were 13 and he trusted me...they all did" 

The quailified psychologist exhaled heavily, wanting to help her patient as much as she could.

"Have you talked with your parents or considered phoning your boyfriend?"

"Ex boyfriend" el corrected in sadness

She then scoffed  "My mother is okay but if I even tried to call my father it would be like I was making my will" 

"Oh, and about my boyfriend...he told me not to call him again" the memory filled her mind

"Then, why aren't you considering an abortion?"

"I can't do that either" El answered "It would be like killing our love. And if this is the last thing left from our love, I'm willing to keep it" she stated

Dr. Hawke was impressed by the girl's courage. Whatever she had done to the father of her child must have not been good, but she seemed absolutely regretful and helpless. She deserved help.

"That was really mature" she claimed and El nodded in gratification, before talking again

"My friend Max, she is the only one I've got. She thinks that I should call Mike"

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now