actions after the passions

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This chapter does contain some hilarious comments


When Mike Wheeler opened his eyes the only thing he could see was the sun's bright rises which spread towards every corner in the room and the only thing he could hear was his love's breathing next to him.

Soon enough his eyes got used to the light and his face moved emmediately towards her direction, who, surprisingly, was wide-awake.

"Look who woke up" she said smilingly "you slept a lot, huh?" 

"I did" he answered and smiled "why didn't you?"

"I..." she stated hesitantly "had been thinking....about some stuff"

And that was the moment when Mike's concerns started. Did anything go wrong? Did he do something wrong? Did she regret everything that happened that night?

"Did...did I do anything wrong?" he asked with a really sad, worried and shy face.

She giggled

"Of course not, baby!" she continue giggling "well, i had been thinking something embarrassing"

"What? You want round two?" he teased

"Well, maybe not now, cause my belly hurts, but sometime in the future...." she looked at him and smirked

"So, that meant you liked what we did?"

"No, I didn't like it" she answered harsly and Mike's face frowned in disappointment "I loved it. And I love you" she said and pecked his lips.

"Me too babe"

"What time is it?"

"10, I think"

"Fuck, I have to go to my room. Max will be waiting for me" she panicked

"I'm sure Lucas is keeping her company" he said as he knew that Lucas and Max surely had a passionate night, just like him and El did.

"But I have to go" she said and wore her swimsuit which were lazily and carelessly laying on the wooden floor of the room. She smiled as she remebered putting them off the previous night.

'El, stop the dirty thoughts' she said to herself.

She kissed her boyfriend once again and started to go to her room.


Three light knocks on the door. Nobody answered. And El assumed Lucas and Max were sleeping. Logical enough.

She knocked again,harder. Five knocks now.

She waited impatiently in the empty corridor.

"Whoever it is get the fuck away" lucas voice was heard angrily inside of the room

"It's me, El" she shouted as loudly as enough to be heard in the inside

Five seconds after, the door unlocked and her redhead best friend hugged her tightly and closed the door behind them.

"OMG OMG TELL ME YOU DID IT" she screamed

"We....did" she answered and blushed

The girl hugged her tighter 

"OMG MY LITTLE BABY IS NO MORE A BABY! SHE IS A GROWN GIRL!" she continued cheering "Did you like it?"

"In the beginning, it hurt. A lot. But after...oh Max it was amazing" she said with a dreamy smile. If she had the chance now, she would take Mike's offer for a second round. All those years she was missing the opportunity of such pure enjoyment, and she considered herself stupid for doing so. 

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now