Shopping for our future

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Small time skip


The time had passed quicker than they thought it would.

The party had arrived back to Hawkins safe and sound 2 weeks now.They were happy to be back home but obviously Mike and Eleven had to go through the whole Chief's lecture for what they did or not.Of course they didn't tell him the truth because oh well.....they wanted to live.

It was now early August that meant they had not longer than a month till they had to leave for college.

The truth is none of them really looked forward on leaving their town and families.Leaving each other though was the worst thing they had to go through.Luckily the boys would stick together in an apartment and the girls would be rooming in a college dorm,but the boys will miss the girls and the girls will miss the boys.

They were like a family that was going to separate.The only thing that kept them going was that they knew this was only for a certain amount of time and they would eventually be together again to continue their lives together as they always imagined.

It was a familiar hot day and shopping season had just started.Max had just picked up El to go to the mall for dorm decoration shopping.The boys on the other hand were all working on this particular day,so they couldn't come to help the girls with their stuff.

They had already been in two shops and had bought some things.El wanted to go to a body care shop to buy some soaps and candles, which she loved.The two girls entered the store and roamed around for a bit until they figured what scent they liked the most and then each one found their body care products,payed for them and left.

They decided to stop to drink some coffee before continuing their shopping,so they stopped at a coffee shop and sat down for a bit.

"Soo...."Max started looking at El with an amused look

"Soo??"El asked mocking her

"How's it going with Mike?"Max asked with a smirk


"So you want to tell me nothing has happened since Miami?"She continued with an even more amused look

"Oh my god,Max!No obviously no"El answered quickly hiding her face in her hands

"Awe that's so sad to hear,Hopper.If I were you and knew that I have less than a month with my boyfriend,I wouldn't sto-"

"Max hush!"El rolled her eyes"Can we please  change the subject?"She asked hopefully

"Ugh fine,but you're NOT getting away from this so easily"Max pointed a finger at her playfully

El sighed in relief and they continued drinking their coffee peacefully until they had finished.They started walking again around the mall's shops until they crossed by a particular shop the two girls had always been dreaming to go in for years.

It was a shop with wedding dresses that never failed to amaze them with the gorgeous and bright white dresses.I mean every girl fantasize about their wedding.It's the biggest girl's dream to be wearing the white dress next to the man they love and the two girls wasn't an exception.

They had been staring at the dresses for a few minutes now,stunned as always until Max's face lighted up with an idea.

She grabbed El's hand and started marching to the entrance of the shop.

"Max what the hell are you doing?!"El panicked

"Something we should have done ages ago."Max answered determined

El watched with horror as the girl next to her confidently pushed the store's door open and headed to where one employee was.

"Excuse me?"Max asked

"Yes ma'am?"The girl that seemed the same age as them answered with a soft smile

"Could we possibly try on some of the dresses?"She politely asked

"Well of course! Who's the lucky lady?"She asked refering to the two girls

"Uhm we're not there yet unfortunately, but we just hoped we could try some on for the future"Max answered with a giggle

The girl looked at them both and then smiled.

"Sure! Follow me"she said

The employee lead them to where some dresses where.She picked up two and handed them to the girls.

"I believe these two will be perfect for you.They are two of our best pieces"she smiled brightly

El couldn't believe what was happening.She actually was going to try on a wedding dress.

She and Max got into the dressing rooms to change.El had this bubbly feeling down her stomach,like she had butterflies.She was so anxious for some reason and the thought of Mike couldn't leave her mind,the thought that one day she would actually be wearing this dress but on her wedding day.

After she had put on the dress she didn't dare to look at the mirror so she quickly went out.As soon as she stepped out she came face to face with Max.Their mouths fell open as they looked at eachother.


"Max-"The both said at the same time as they giggled right after

Together they walked out to the sitting area which was covered with mirrors.The employee who was waiting for them in there gasped as she saw the two young girls entering the room.

"Oh my goodness!You look stunning!"She beamed

"Thank you"They both whispered shyly before turning to look at themselves

As soon as they did the couldn't help their own gasp as they were mesmerized by the view.

"This is so beautiful"El whispered to herself gwtting teary eyed

"I couldn't agree more with that"Max answered with wide eyes

"Well girls I think you've found what you'll be wearing in your big day"the young girl behind them said softly

"Oh sure we did"Max and El said at the same time and the three girls started all laughing

In all honesty after that experience El couldn't wait for that day as she already had imaged her and Mike in that moment plenty of times.

She smiled at herself remembering Mike's promise.Their promise.And I believe you all know what this is.


Again I feel awful with myself.I mean we don't deserve you guys.We can't (actually I can't) finish a 1k word chapt in like less than a week and at the same time you had to wait for over two.I can't describe how sorry I am for the late update but ya know summer vacation started and I can't keep myself concentrated in a thing bc of the fact I'm out all day.

But I promise we'll try to update more and we so can't wait to go on with the story.

Muchh love

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