the "stuff"

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The four boys got in the drug store with different emotions: lucas was smiling and smirking at the same time, as he was about to 'tutor' his friend in condoms. Dustin was smiling too, it would be a great opportunity for him to learn about condoms, as he would use them with Stacy, who was definitely going to accept him as her date. Will was embarrassed to death, while Mike was embarrassed, angry and nervous at the same time.

"Well" lucas said "it's your first time right?"

"It is my non-existant time! IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" he raised his voice "El is not ready!"

"So you are" dustin said

"What?" The boy suddenly reacted

"You said El isn't ready. So you are" dustin repeated

"He maybe meant that-" will tried to defend him but lucas cut him off

"Man I knew something was moving down there" said to mike "i'm proud of you. And you'll enjoy it"

Mike blushed harder

Lucas made them a sign and they followed him to a corridor in the bottom of the shop.

Multiple boxes were there in different colours and sizes.

Will looked at a box with a cherry on it.

"Why do they have gums in here?" Will asked

"Jesus byers" dustin said "they are not to eat. They are for taste" he smirked

"I didn't get it"

"And he's not going to explain it any further. We're leaving this place" mike said and turned to leave.

But lucas grabbed his colar shirt and turned him around.

"Nah, you are not leaving that easily. You are buying those condoms. I won't let you alone till you do it"

"Just grab a condom lucas and leave. As I told you I'm not going to use it" the boy said

He just wanted to finish all this. To get a pack and leave. That was all he wanted.

And Lucas did as he said. He grabbed a pack with black colour and white dots.

"This one" he said "i used it in my first time with max. It has a protective surface in case you are allergic in anything. AND it has vanilla scent AND taste if you want to take it further" he smirked

"Ew" Mike almost gaged

"You won't saying 'ew' when el will be doing it" he answered "you'll be saying 'oh el, ohhh'" he made a fake disgusting voice

"For the name of God, we won't do it"

"Yeah sure" Will the innocent said. It was too obvious, even for him

"Shall i pick one for me and stacy?" Dustin said

"No, it'll stay in your shelf" lucas answered "she will never go with you dusty"

"Ouch" dustin answered

"Anyways, let's buy it and get he hell out of here before someone sees us!" Mike said

They went to pay, and, after receiving weird looks from the assistant, he finally managed to get out and breathe fresh air. Finally.

He had just bought condoms. For him and El. But who was he kidding? It was not gonna happen, right?


El was peacefully going through some magazines of clothes when Max next to her was having her own dance party to "girls just wanna have fun".

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now