it's show time

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There's going to be a time skip in this just warning you.


Max was running in the dark forest with only the help of the moon to light her way. Hopper had said he would be there as soon as he heard what happened but Max was waiting for him for 20 minutes and he didn't show up. There was no time to be wasted so she started on her own, only hopping Hopper won't freak out when he sees she's not there.

In all honesty she was scared. So so scared she didn't even realized where she was going and quite frankly she didn't know.

Where was she supposed to search?

Where could she be?

Her mind was a blur at the moment. She just wanted to find her best friend and preferably soon.

As soon as she realized El had dropped off college and ran away into the unknown without saying a word she called Jim.

He didn't know anything. About her or the baby. She was forced to tell him the truth due to the circumstances they were in and oh boy was that hard. He wouldn't believe her one bit but after a 10 minute long talk she finally managed to convince him that El was actually pregnant and probably somewhere out there freezing to death on her own.

Max stopped to catch her breath and the same questions kept replaying in her head.

"She must have come here, it can't be any other way." Max murmured to herself.

She started again, she wasn't all that far from her destination and she was sure her gut was right.

She arrived outside the old cabin and immediately noticed the faint light coming from where El's room used to be.

She sighed in relief and ran up to the door, banging her fists on it.

"El! Open the door! It's me, Max!" She yelled.

It had started snowing again and the cold was making it harder for her to hear or see anything.

Still no one opened the door. She kept banging and yelling but there was no answer.

"Fuck." She whispered. "El I'm begging you, open the door."

By this point she was starting to get nervous about the whole situation. She cannot not have heard her by now. Her thoughts started going wild again and they just kept getting worse.

'Oh god.' Max thought.

If someone didn't show up right then she won't know what to do. Something might have happened to El and the more she doesn't do something about it the more her and the baby might be in danger.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" A voice bummed in the darkness and Max wasn't quite sure what it said.

"MAX GO AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" The voice yelled again and this time Max recognised him.


She jumped away from the door and as soon as she did Hopper came through and fell on the door causing it to break and him to fall down with it.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" Max screeched.

"I will be when I find my daughter!" He practically growled and then stood up going straight away to her room.

"El? El?! You're in so much trouble young lad-"

Eleven was down.
Laying unconscious on the floor.

The room was cold, way colder than the whole house itself. Her skin was so white that if you were to see her you'd think she was snow White waiting for her prince to come and give her the kiss of life.

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now