I wanna feel you

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Okay, this has spice in it😉


"Is it too revealing?" El asked Max, while looking at her slim figure in the mirror.

The brownhead had doubts about her outfit, which was nothing but a short plaid red and black skirt, with black tights and a black long sleeve shirt.

The top revealed a little bit of her belly, and, in combination with the skirt, she wondered if it would seem slutty.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You look hot as fuck! And Mike is gonna lose his shit out of him" she said with an exciting grin.

Max wasn't bad herself. She had chosen a pair of black trousers among with a sexy red long sleeved top, which had exactly the same hue as her eyes.

Eleven wished she was that pretty, even though she was not.

"Come on let's go, the boys must be waiting for us" her best friend said, and gestured her to get out of the Mayfields' house.

"So, did you meet with your parents?" Dustin asked the other four boys, who were sitting around the bonfire.

All five people were sat in a circle, under the dark night's sky. Mike and Lucas had spent a full two-hour length of time to light up the fire, because of the wood's moisture. Winter nights in Hawkins weren't cold, but the moisture was extremely high.

However, they managed to do their will succesfully, and now they were lying around it, waiting for the girls to arrive.

I am talking about Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin, with the addition of Charlie, who was extremely close to Will ever since they left the airport.

"Well, I met mine. Holly is a whole ass grown girl now, it's like seeing my mother in a younger age. This year she started wearing makeup!" mike said happily

"Yeah, El and I saw our parents too. Hopper cried, man. He looked like a crying fat rambo!" Will laughed, and the others joined him

"Don't you dare calling our father fat rambo, Byers" eleven complaint from behind the trees. Soon enough max's bright hair were shown.

"I only say the truth, Byers. Thank god you are not actually his daughter because you would be fat" he teased back

"Fuck you, Byers" she said and gave him a middle finger

"Oohh, I thought that you are only fucking Mike"

"You know that my heart belongs to him, Luky" she said and kissed her boyfriend's cheek, before sitting herself next to him, on a branch.

"Nice to meet you, I'm charlie. Will's friend" the boy said and waved to both girls.

All of them noticed how handsome he was: red hair, brown big eyes, nice body, suitable height. The perfect match for will, who was blushing at the time

Eleven gave her brother a smirking look "Nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm El, and this is Max"

"Wait, THE Max?" He said with wide eyes and looked at lucas' direction "the max who has longer boobs and better ass than Julia Roberts?"he said surprised

"Yeah?" Lucas said like it was obvious

"Jesus Christ, the only common thing Max has with Julia Roberts is the bad behaviour" Mike said annoyed

"It's like it hasn't been one day since I last saw you, Wheeler"

"Spin the bottle" Dustin said entustiastically

After discussing the most interesting events that had taken place the past two months-or at least some of them-, except for the ones that had been told during phone calls, the teenagers decided to play something to pass their time.

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