Chapter 1~ What Is That Thing?

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I walked down the alleyway, scanning as I went. Dark had sent Chase Brody and I to see what was causing disturbances in town and see if it had anything to do with what Wilford had been up too. We hadn't received any reports of a 5' 10" man with a pink mustache, but we knew Wilford could hide himself pretty well if he wanted to. My scans picked up nothing, but I couldn't help the feeling of being watched. And then I heard it. Wilfords screams. Chase must have found him. I looked up at the eclipsed moon, sighing. It had to be on a superstitious night?

I was about to head to the sound when I heard something else. A trashcan being knocked over. Curious, I headed to the unidentified noise and found a tiny human girl with huge blue and purple eyes and brilliant red hair staring up at me, terrified.

"Well, what do we have here?" I asked her. She didn't respond. She just backed up further into the brick wall.

"Chase, Wilford! I think you're going to want to see this!" I called to them. I kept my eye on the little girl and waited for the other two egos to find us.

"Come on, Wilford! You know you brought this shit on yourself," Chase cursed, pulling my brother by the arm.

"It is none of yours or Darks business what I do or don't do!" Wilford shot back.

"I'm just following orders, Wilford. You can bring it up with Dark when we get back to the Manor. Now, Google, what did you find," Chase asked as he walked over to me.

"Her," I said, gesturing to the little redhead.

"Hello there little one. It's ok, nobody's going to hurt you," Chase told her, moving slowly.

"What's your name, Gumdrop?" Wilford asked, abandoning his rebellious behavior.

"M-Melody," She stuttered.

"That's a very pretty name, Melody. I'm Chase, that's Wilford, and the one who found you is GOOGLEplier, but we just call him Google. Where are your parents, pumpkin?" Chase asked as he managed to get close enough to put her on his hip.

"Gone," She answered.

"You don't talk much, do you Gumdrop?" Wilford asked.

"Not tonight," She said simply.

"What do we do with her?" I asked.

"That's obvious, Google. We take her home. A little girl shouldn't be out alone, especially at night," Chase said, pinning her hair behind her ear, allowing us to better see her adorable little face.

"Dark isn't going to like that," I told him.

"Dark can go shove it up his butt, right next to his stick," Wilford proclaimed. Melody giggled at that.

"Nice baby-proofing," Chase snickered, "But let's head home. Wouldn't want this one catching a cold, now would we?"

"No, no we would not," Wilford answered. The three of them headed towards the manor and I followed them, knowing this wasn't going to end well. But Chase was right, she shouldn't be out here on her own, especially not at night. And she was adorable. Maybe she could stay with us forever. Then again, maybe not.

Time Skip

Melody's POV

Chase and Wilford brought me to a huge mansion, with Google following behind. I knew this wasn't going to end well; people always freaked out when they found out what I was. Everyone but Ryan... But these three thought I was Human, so maybe it would be okay.

"Google, would you watch her while I bring Wilford to Dark?" Chase asked, putting me down.

"What do I do with her?"

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