Chapter 22~ Round Two

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Melody's POV

School was finally out for the summer and Mickey had been coming over almost on the daily. On this particular day, I was telling her about the nerf war I had initiated.

"And then after Chase and I shot everyone but Dark and Anti and they shot everyone but us, it was just the four of us. But then Anti shot Chase in his boob and it was just me against two Demons. And then my eyes started to glow and I pulled out two mini blasters and shot them. All three of us shot at the same time but I was declared the winner after I shot the other team repeatedly. And then I did the victory screech from Spongebob and my team joined me in the glorious moment."

"That sounds awesome. We should do that!"

"What, you and me have a nerf face off?" I asked.

"No, you, me and all your dads have another nerf war. It would be fun!"

"I mean I'm down and I'm sure Chase and Wilford would be down but I don't know about the others. We could ask during dinner though," I suggested.

"That would be so cool!" Mickey said, bouncing in her seat.

"It would be pretty fun. I should warn you though, I'm very competitive."

"That's fine. It would be an awesome bonding thing."

"Mickey, I already said I'd ask and my dads already love you. All twelve of them. You don't need to worry about bonding with them."

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" Chase called up to us.

"We'll be right down!" I called back. We hurriedly made our way down the stairs and grabbed some plates.

"I hope you like spaghetti, MaKenna," Google said.

"I do," Mickey beamed. After a few minutes we had all sat down and it was relatively calm.

"Hey, who touch-a my spaghet?" I asked in the fakest Italian accent ever, causing Mickey to start laughing.

"Melody," Dark snapped although even he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"Great, now that your attention's on me I have something I'd like to ask. And it involves going back a few years," I announced, sitting back in my chair.

"What's up, Bunny?" Marvin asked, intrigued.

"Well I was telling my dear friend Mickey about the nerf war we had a few years back and we were wondering if we could bring it back."

"That shit was awesome! I'm down for it. The only problem is that I have the kids for the next month, starting tomorrow," Chase said.

"Kids love nerf guns, Chase. And besides, the worst that can happen is they scrape their knee. And you live with two doctors. They'd be ok," Mickey argued.

"She has a point," I agreed.

"I would also like to bring it back. It was fun shooting all of you with foam bullets," Wilford grinned.

"What do you think, Dark?" I asked, my eyes on him.

"Alright. We can have another nerf war. But this time Anti and I are picking the teams."

"Awesome!" Mickey exclaimed and I grinned.

Dark's POV

After dinner, Melody and MaKenna had scampered off to do God knows what and Anti and I were in my office planning out the teams.

"First things first, we need to split Melody and MaKenna up. Which one do you want?" I asked, happy with either.

"MaKenna. I really like the kid."

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