Chapter 18~ Struggle

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Melody's POV

"Melody..." A familiar voice said, trying to wake me up. I groaned in response.

"Come on Princess. It's time to wake up," Dark tried again. I mustered as much energy as I could to swing an arm at him. I missed and he chuckled.

"Do I have to physically remove you from the bed?" He asked. I did nothing, and he picked me up bridal style.

"This is so unfair," I groaned.

"I warned you, Princess. You didn't respond so here we are. Now come on, get dressed. It's your first day of Sophomore year of high school," Dark told me, making me stand on my feet and then holding my arm when I almost fell over.

"Nothing ever happens on the first day, Daddy," I whined, wanting to go back to bed.

"You're going Melodnna," He told me, his voice firm. Shit. Not getting out of it today.

"Fine," I groaned. I wasn't happy about it but there was no fighting him on this. He'd made up his mind. I watched him leave, giving me some privacy to get dressed and do my normal routine. I stumbled to the closet, still not fully awake before looking at my options. I decided on what I wore pretty much every day- a sarcastic t-shirt, a grey hoodie, black leggings, and black combat boots. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I made my way downstairs and was greeted by 11 of my dads.

"Good mornin' Doll," Anti said, noticing me before anyone else did.

"Morning Papi," I replied, sleep still evident in my voice.

"What time did you go to bed last night, Moonshine?" Issac asked, always looking for causes as to why I wasn't functioning like he thought I should.

"10:30, but I laid awake for about an hour."

"Going to bed any earlier izn't going to help, her internal clock vould fight her every step of the vay," Henrik told Issac, who nodded.

"I agree but we have to do something. She can't keep needing an hour every day to fully wake-up. Should we put her on Melatonin?"

"No more pills," I spoke up.

"Melody this is important-"

"So is my opinion. No more pills. I forget the ones I have already and I don't need to be forgetting more. I already take five pills daily, I don't need a sixth," I insisted, my eyes glowing with my determination.

"Alright. No more pills," Issac relented.

"Thank you. Now, will you hand me my pill container?" Henrik passed it to me and I medicated. One pill for my Bipolar Type 2, two pills for my anxiety, one soft gel vitamin for my sun deficiency, and one vitamin for my lack of bowel movements. And then I noticed big, alligator tears running down Wilford's usually gleeful face.

"Wilford, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"It's just... my little girl's growing up. Today's your first day as a Sophomore..." He sobbed. I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing myself against his back in a loving way and he calmed down.

"No matter what grade I'm in, or how old I get I will always be your little girl. And I will always love you," I promised, kissing his temple. He regained composure and we finished breakfast with limited tears. And then it was time for me to head to the bus stop. My dad's lined up, just like they did every year on the first day of school and I gave each of them a bear hug, promising I'd behave and telling them that I loved them. And every one of them shed at least a few tears, just like every other year.

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