Chapter 15~ Pretty In Red

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Melody's POV

I sighed, plopping my backpack down on my bed before flopping down myself. I heard a knock on my opened door and I knew it could only be a few people; most others would have said the words "knock, knock."

"Whoever you are, you may enter my lair of exhaustion," I said without looking up. I didn't have the energy to look up.

"Princess, this is Edward Dahmer, a new business partner of mine. Edward, this is my daughter, Melody. We'll be in a meeting for a couple hours in my office, ok?"

"Translation: keep your whining to a minimum and bother one of the other Ego's if you have a problem. Got it, have fun in your meeting. Pleasure meeting you, Mr. Dahmer," I said sitting up and smiling at them.

"The pleasure's all mine, Melody. I look forward to seeing more of you in the future." They entered Dark's office and I groaned before taking care of my school stuff, and since I did all my homework in study halls, I could just chill. I curled up in my bed and started browsing YouTube, looking for anything that might pique my interest. I couldn't find anything, so I decided to rewatch something on Netflix and listen to it while I took a nap.

I woke up half an hour later and felt someone touching me. The thing is, none of my dads would ever hold me by anywhere other than my stomach or my back. And whoever had welcomed themselves into my room, was touching me all over, as if touching various and wrong part of my body under my clothes was the only thing keeping them alive. I turned and found myself face to face with Daddy's new business partner, Edward.

"Oh good, you're awake," He said before kissing me. I panicked and pushed him off of me, hyperventilating.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked, scared and confused and memories were creeping back to the front of my mind.

"Taking what I want," He said, lunging at me, pinning me to the bed with one hand, not letting me move.

"Let me go, you fucking psycho!" I screamed thrashing while he started taking my pants off of me.

"What is going on in here?" Dark growled, coming to investigate the amount of noise I was making. He saw me on the bed, unable to move and his partner on top of me. The last time I'd seen him this mad, we tortured and killed my childhood molester. He was a blur of black smoke as he ran to pull Edward off of me, holding him off the ground by the throat and slamming him into the wall.

"Princess, go find the other Ego's," He growled. I nodded, weakly before leaving, finding all of the Ego's watching a movie.

"Dollface? What's wrong?" Anti asked, noticing my pale face.

"Daddy's business partner... he... he..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I burst into tears. I couldn't tell who picked me up, but somehow I ended up in someone's lap while they tried to calm me down.

"Vhat happened, Sunshine? Vhat did Dark's partner do?"

"He... put his hands under my shirt and when I turned over to see what was going on, he kissed me and then pinned me to the bed and tried taking my pants off... that's when Dark came in..." I finally was able to explain. I looked at the sea of angry faces and snuggled closer into whoever was holding me.

"Jameson, watch her. Make sure she's ok," Jackie said, picking me off his lap and into Jamie's. I snuggled into him just as fast, still sniffling. He rubbed my back, calming me down and making me feel a bit safer. I watched as the other ten Ego's stormed upstares, ready to kill Dark's partner. I whimpered, curling into Jamie, who just petted me. I looked at his face and he was livid.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, my voice small.

"Of course I'm not mad at you, Poppet. You did nothing wrong. It's him I'm worried about. But don't worry, the others will take care of him. He'll pay for hurting you, Melody. I promise."

"You always know just what to say," I signed back, needing something to do with my hands. I didn't like being idle with such a threat in my home. What are you doing, Lupine? You are a badass fighter. Go kick his ass and show him that Melodonna Luna Lupine is not to be trifled with.

"There's something I have to do," I said, snapping out of my stupor. I made my way to my room, using magic to shove all of my dads out of my way. I discovered that they had tied him to a chair and had begun beating the shit out of him.

"So you want to play with me huh? Well, be careful what you wish for," I told him before summoning a silver dagger and stalking toward him.

"What is all of this? You came onto me!" He claimed.

"You keep your filthy mouth shut, Dahmer," Dark growled.

"How did I come onto you?" I asked, slowly getting more pissed off.

"I saw the way you looked at me when we met."

"Oh, you mean you though my being nice was flirting? Trust me, it wasn't. I was hoping my kindness would help Dark close whatever deal he was going to make with you. But it turns out, you're just a creepy old man who preys on sleeping girls." I was done talking. I wanted to take action.

"Since he thinks I want to sleep with him, how about we give him a present?" I asked my dads, "Would one of you be a dear and pull down his pants and underwear please?" They all looked confused, but Anti obliged.

"Wonderful," I grinned, taking on my own version of Anti's classic Cheshire grin. My eyes began to glow and my knife began to float. I send it toward him, effectivly removing his dick and his balls and getting blood all over me and my room.

"I hope molesting me and attempting to rape me was worth it," I growled, partially shifting to release some of my anger. I sent a small fireball to cauterize his new wounds and pull his pants back up.

"Now get the fuck out of my house, and don't you even come back here," I told him before releasing him. He ran out the front door before turning to us.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers."

"No, you'll be hearing from ours," I told him, shutting the door before sliding down it and bursting into tears.

"Movie night?" Dark asked the others.

"Movie night," The others agreed. Jackie picked me up and we made our way to the living room, Wilford setting up Netflix and putting on Beautiful Creatures.

"You guys know me so well... I love you guys."

"And we love you, Little Wolf. Now relax. We're right here."

"And Melody?" Dark said.


"You look so pretty in red."

"Hush," I growled playfully, before causing my eyes to glow, using magic to clean the blood in my room. I'd deal with how I looked later. For now, I just needed to be with my dads.

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