Chapter 9~ This Wrong Is Oh-So Right

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Anti's POV

After Melody had gotten back from trick-or-treating with Wilford and Chase, they had put her to bed, which left me to have a... chat... with Dark.

"Hey, buddy," I cackled, glitching into his office.

"I was wondering when you'd show up. I suppose you want to begin avenging Melody?"

"I want it to be a Halloween he'll never forget," I snarled, glitching my knife in my hand and gripping it until what little blood I had in my hand left and went to other parts of my body.

"I agree. And I appreciate you waiting until Melody was put to bed."

"She's been through enough. Now, shall we?"

"Let's go get us a child molester," Dark smirked. We both teleported to the orphanage, and we made it a race of sorts, of who could find Brad Nelson faster. I managed to find him first and I threw hit against a wall, my knife at his throat at an instant.

"Anti, let's go. We'll chain him in the basement and draw out his torture," Dark said, apparently hearing my actions.

"Fine," I said before hitting my victim hard enough to knock him out.

"Come on, let's teleport him home." We did just that, teleporting ourselves and our captive back to the Manor and into the basement. We chained him up and I started hitting him until he woke up again. It truly was full-circle.

"Wh-where am I?" He groaned, coming to.

"You're in Melody Lupine's house. I'm sure that excites you, you sick son-of-a-bitch," Dark said, landing a hit of his own in the solar plexus.

"Did my Firecracker put you up to this?" He asked when he could breathe again.

"First off, she's not yours and she never was and never will be. Second, she has no idea about this," Dark granted Brad the information.

"Ooh, so you're her black knights in shining armor, is that it? Kidnapping the man who allegedly molested your adopted daughter. How sweet," He mocked us.

"There is no 'allegedly'. Melody's behavior explaining what happened is more than enough proof for me," I snarled.

"Not to mention how she reacted seeing you when we started adopting her. You most definitely hurt her," Dark added, losing his calm demeanor slowly.

"I just wonder if you have a thing for children or is it just Melody?" I wondered aloud.

"I had the same question. No matter, you'll pay for Melody," Dark assured our guest.

"What are you going to do? Keep hitting me? Taunting me? That all you got?" Brad spat at us.

"Not at all," Dark grinned, summoning our tools. Brad's eyes widened.

"Trust me, we are just getting started," I whispered to him, letting the fear sink deeper. We spent hours torturing Brad, making him live every experience with as much fear as we had guessed Melody had felt when he...

"Please! Stop!" He begged after we had removed all of his nails.

"D̵͕̟̭̬̝͑i̶̡̱͓̖̞̘̾͐̇͋̑͜d̸̜̼̾̄̓́͛̄͠ͅ ̶͔̘͙̓̇͛M̴̹̗̕ė̴̢̲͖͈͉̾l̷̜̬̻̩͊̓͑̋o̶̮̬͚͉̘͋̔̆̍̋̀̑d̵̩́̽̆̑y̸̧̢͓̪̦͂̇͘͠ ̷̦͂̽̋̌̋b̴͍̣̪̥̬͙͑̒̉͂e̴̘̗̓͂̿̋g̴̫̲̠̥̞͉͑̑̂̅̾̚͝ͅ ̶̧̩͔̝̖͓̘͑y̴̰̟̟̭̼͓͆o̶̙̩̟̿̒̀̏͛͝u̶̢͚̳̝͈̽ ̵͙̳̝̿̑t̵̠͚͕̙̰̙̦͛ò̸̧͖̹̺͕͕͒̔͜ ̵̯̊̀͠s̴̡̳͂̋̏̍̉͒ͅẗ̸̢̖̔͘o̸̜̭͈̘͔̔͑p̸̠̳̖̲̰̠̦̍?̸͙͓̱̭͖̂͊̂̇͑̚͘͜ ̷̨̥̍̆̔͐́͜͠͝" I asked, glitching out.

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