Chapter 28~ Sleeping Beauty

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Dark's POV

I made my way into the dank basement to find Anti and the boys had already chained up the new demon and had already started to have a bit of fun.

"Even Jackie's getting in on the fun," I chuckled.

"I'll admit, I was surprised when you sent me down here. But now I couldn't be more grateful," He answered.

"I figured you're want to let out your dark side for her. Now, boys, we can't kill him... yet. I'm sure the others want in on this too."

"But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with him... does it?" Anti asked.

"Let's just not kill him," I said before landing a hit in what would have been his Solar Plexus, had he been human. I got in a few more hits before I left to check on Marvin's progress. It broke my heart to see Melody laying lifeless on a cold, metallic table. I wanted nothing more than for her to open her beautiful eyes and tell a stupid joke, to hear her laugh, to hold her and have her hold me back. But I kept my cold, business-like demeanor and soldiered on.

"Anything?" I asked, coldly.

"I found a spell, but I'm going to need everyone here; everyone who loves her," Marvin told me.


"Yes, even Mark, Sean, MaKenna and Ryan. They love her too."

"But..." I started to panic. What if she woke up and decided the other egos and I couldn't keep her safe. What if she decided to go live with one of them and... and...

"Dark, we don't have a choice. If you want her to wake up, you have to call them," Isaac tried to reason with me.

"Is the spell time sensitive?" I asked.

"I can start it while we wait for them," Marvin said.

"Do it," I nodded before calling Mark.

"Hello?" He asked over the phone. His voice repulsed me, but I'd do anything for Melody.

"Mark, it's Dark. I need your help. It's Melody. Can you be here in five?"

"Dark, what's wrong? What happened to Melody?"

"She was possessed by a blood demon and she crushed her amulet and now she's in a coma and she needs everyone who loves her and that includes you. Please, Mark, I wouldn't ask it if wasn't serious."

"I can't be there right now, but I'll be there as soon as I can, ok? And I'll call Sean. We'll get her back."

"If she dies, her blood is on your hands," I growled and I hung up. I didn't bother calling Ryan or MaKenna. He may have loved her when they were kids, but he didn't know who she was now, and she didn't know Melody well enough to love her. But I did. I made my way back to her, pushing past the pain of seeing the only thing I've ever loved so... broken.

"What do I need to do?" I asked.

"I just need a couple drops of blood from everybody and then I can do the spell. What did Mark say?"

"Asshat's not coming. Will the spell work without him?"

"Well, there are twelve of us, so there's a good chance it will but it'd still be better if they came too..."

"Well, they're not. I'll go get the others, you start the process." I left without another word and I went back to the living room where GOOGLEplier, Simon, Chase, and Jameson were all sitting on the floor, stunned.

"Look alive boys, she needs us. You four head to the lab where Marvin has instructions; he needs a couple drops of your blood. I need to collect the others."

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