Chapter 5~ Alpha Dad

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Marvin's POV

"Ok, Bunny. You said you want to control your third eye, right? You want to decide when you use it and when you don't?" I asked the little girl.

"Yeah. Can you help?"

"I can try. Alright. Clear your mind, ok? No distractions. Once you've done that I want you to try to see what Simon is doing? Picture his face and let the magic do the rest." I waited a while before Melody opened her eyes, frustrated.

"I can't do it," She grumbled.

"Yes, you can. Try again." And so she did. For hours, she tried to see what the other egos were doing using her third eye and every time, she got nowhere.

"Ok, let's go see the Host," I said, standing up from my place on the floor.

"Why are we going to see the Host?"

"Because he might be able to help with this. If we can get you to see the other egos, I can help you control your visions."

"Oh, ok. I think he's in the library," Melody smiled.

"Then let's check there then," I said, putting her on my hip. She was right, he was in the library going over some braille books.

"The Host welcomes Marvin the Magnificent and Melody the wolf Pup. Host askes what they need."

"Hey Host, can you help Melody with her third eye?" I asked.

"The Host says he agrees to Marvin's request and makes a request of his own. Host requests that Marvin give Melody to the Host and leave us be."

"Ok, here you go," I said, handing the small child to the blind man.

"Hi, Host!" She grinned as she hugged him.

"I'll see you later, ok Bunny?"

"Ok! Bye Marvin!"

Host's POV

"The Host asks the small child in his lap what she and the magician were working on."

"Oh, Marvin was trying to get me to see what the other egos were doing with my eyes closed," She informed me.

"The Host tells Melody that she must start small if she is to accomplish such a goal. Host asks Melody to close her eyes and clear her mind. Host askes his Pup to focus only on her breathing."

"Ok," She said, her voice breathy, almost like her body was so relaxed it was almost falling asleep.

"The Host asks his Pup to see the room while keeping her eyes closed. Host tells Melody to tell him where the fireplace is."

"It's over there," She said, pointing to the fireplace.

"The Host congratulates Melody on her success. The Host know asks Melody to point to the second-floor balcony of the library." Once again she did. We continued this practice for a while, allowing her to open her third eye slowly.

"The Host thinks Melody is getting good at this, so Host asks his Pup to tell him who is in the room next door." She furrowed her brow in concentration before she spoke again.

"Jackie is in the next room, trying to replicate some of Chase's trick shots."

"The Host asks if he's doing a good job."

"Melody tells the Host that Jack is doing a terrible job and looks silly," She giggled. I laughed with her until I noticed a darker presence in the doorway of the library.

"The Host greets Dark and asks if Host can help him."

"It's time for her nap, Host," Dark said walking over to us.

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