Chapter 8~ Legally Ours

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Dark's POV

The next day at 6 in the morning, I had all the egos in the conference room.

"I just have one question for all of you. You all love Melody and think of her as a daughter, correct?" I asked, not betraying my true intentions.

"Of course, we do, Dark. Why are you asking that?" Wilford countered, dumbfounded.

"Because today we're going to the orphanage and we are going to adopt her."

"Legally? As in, she will legally be ours?" Marvin asked.

"Yes. She will legally be ours. But, I wanted to put it to a vote so all opposed?" No one raised their hand.

"All in favor?" Anti asked, and not surprisingly, everyone raised his hand.

"Then it's settled. Today we start the process of adopting Melody Luna Lupine."

"Are going to tell them, Dark?" Anti asked.

"Yes, I think we should. You should all be aware that Melody was physically abused in the orphanage, and sexually abused by an employee. It's another reason I believe we should get her legally out of the system."

"We will start checking for signs of mental illnesses today," Isaac said and Henrik nodded.

"Excellent. Now, it's about 6:50, Chase, you might want to wake her up. And if we could keep the adoption a secret?"

"Oh, she's going to love this!" Anti giggled.

Melody's POV

I woke up the next morning by Chase rocking my softly and whispering my name.

"Dad~. I don't wanna get up~," I whined.

"I know, sweetie. But you need food. I think Google's making waffles, eggs, sausage, and bacon."

"I'm up," I said, sitting up at the mention of the breakfast meats.

"I thought so. Come on, let's get you dressed," Chase chuckled. After we finished getting me ready, we headed down the stairs and rounded the corner to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Princess," Dark said once he saw me.

"Morning Daddy! I was promised bacon and sausage," I said, narrowing my eyes looking around.

"You'll get it soon, Moonshine. Come on, sit down," Dr. Isaac Iplier laughed, pulling out my chair. I pouted but did as I was told. Even though none of them had ever hurt me, I was still programmed to follow orders without question for fear of being hit.

"Sleep well, Dollface?" Anti asked, before sipping his coffee.

"Yeah. How about you?" He nodded and gestured to my shoulders. I relaxed them, not noticing that I had been so tense. It had been second nature from the orphanage. You had to be on the lookout or something would happen to you. At least, it'd happen to me.

"Sunshine, vhy are vou so tense?" Henrik asked, concerned.

"I don't know. Just am," I answered. He nodded but he didn't say anything.

"The Host asks if Melody is ready for today."

"You mean with the new schedule?" He nodded. "Yeah, I am. Yesterday was really fun."

"We're glad, Poppet," Jameson signed, smiling.

"You guys are acting weird, what's up?" I asked, suspicious.

"Nothing's up, Eclipse. We just love you is all," Google answered, pouring more batter for waffles.

"I'm not buying it," I said, searching for any clues on my dad's faces.

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