Chapter 20~ Rendezvous

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Anti's POV

Time passed quickly and Melody grew steadily. She was already a few months into her Junior year and Christmas would be soon. Which also meant her birthday would be coming up soon. I couldn't believe my little girl had grown up so fast. It seemed like just yesterday she was brought to us. I smiled at the thought before setting off to find her. To no one's surprise, she was in her room on her laptop.

"Hey Doll," I said, knocking on the open door. She glanced up before smiling.

"Hey, Papi. What's up?"

"Nothing. I just miss you."

"Papi, we live together. How do you miss me?"

"It's a big house, Melody and you're growing up so fast."

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" She asked, a knowing look in her eyes. For the past few months, all the Ego's had been wanting some one-on-one time with Melody, the same way we had it when she was little.

"Horror?" I asked.

"As long as there are no jumpscares. I can't handle jumpscares," Melody told me.

"You're such a pussy," I laughed, putting on the film.

"I'm gonna tell Dark on you," She said as I slid on her bed. I held her close and she laid her head on my chest, content to just chill. Tears made their way to my eyes when I realized that soon, I wouldn't be able to do this with her whenever I wanted. Soon she would leave us and we'd have to ask when she'd have time to hang out with us.

"Anti? What's wrong?" She asked, noticing my pathetic sniffles.

"The CGI... it's just so lifelike... so beautiful..." I lied.

"Are we watching the same movie? The CGI is shit in this one. Tell me what's really wrong."

"It's just... you're growing up so fast on us. Soon you won't have time for any of your Old Men." Her face softened as she wiped away my tears.

"I will always make time for you guys. You guys saved me and raised me and I can never repay you. And besides, Junior year just started. We still have all next Summer and Senior year to be together. It's going to be ok. I promise," She said, pressing a kiss to my temple which caused me to start glitching a little bit more erratically.

Timeskip to Christmas Day right before dinner

Melody's POV

As to not be in the way of Google and anyone he might have roped into helping with Christmas Dinner, I stayed in my room and played around on my laptop. I must have stayed there for hours because Wilford strolled up to my room, a ridiculous yet still adorable pink sweater on in full Christmas spirit.

"Hey Gumdrop! Dinner is starting soon," He grinned.

"That time already, huh? Gimme a sec," I said, putting the portable computer down and standing up. Well, trying too anyway. I collapsed and started seeing flashes of my life and of what I could only describe as past lives. And then it was dark.

Wilford's POV

"That time already, huh? Gimme a sec," Melody said, closing her laptop and setting it aside, before getting up. I gasped in horror when she collapsed to the floor and curled up into a tiny ball, her knees tucked into her stomach and her arms and hands covering her face.

"Melody!" I screamed, running to her. "GUYS! WE HAVE A HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM!" It didn't take long for Dark, Anti, Simon, Chase, and Jackie to all some sprinting to Melody's room.

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