Chapter 30~ Guarded

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Host's POV

"Are you going to watch me all day?" Melody asked me, not looking up from her phone. I had been stuck to her side since this morning after breakfast, never letting her out of my sight. It was currently just after dinner.

"Host tells Melody for the third time this hour that the Host and the other egos decided to forbid Melody to go anywhere without an ego to accompany her."

"As much as I love spending time with you, Host, this is a bit much. I'm ok, you know that Dark, Anti, Wilford, and Marvin have been every spell they can think of to prevent things like that from happening again," She said, referring to her possession.

"Host apologizes but tells Melody there is no getting out of this."

"Fine," She sighed. "Are Issac and Henrick going to do full-body scans on my every day and run a shit ton of tests?"

"Host tells Melody that that is most likely the case for a few more weeks."

"Oh my Gods, why are you all so possessive?" She groaned, and I sighed.

"Host tells Melody that this is for her own good, and it because all of the Egos love her and want to keep her safe."

"Melody tells the Host that she can survive perfectly fine on her own for days at a time," She said before storming off. I oped my messenger app on my phone and sent a text to both Jameson and Marvin, letting them know it was their turn to watch the furious wolf pup. Host wishes you luck.

Jameson's POV

I received the text from Host and looked at Marvin.

"Did you see the text?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Let's go find our rebellious daughter," He sighed and I nodded. It didn't take us long to find her, sitting in her room, curled up in bed watching something on Netflix.

"Hey, bunny," Marvin said softly, not wanting to upset her more.

"Seriously, am I not allowed to be alone for two seconds?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"We're just trying to keep you safe, Poppet."

"I know that! But I can take care of myself! I'm not a piece of glass, Goddamn it," She snapped, teleporting out of the room and who God knows where.

"Shit," Marvin cursed and we left Melody's room in search of Jackieboy-Man.

"I thought you two were watching Melody?" He asked.

"We were. She teleported away. Which means, you get to find her," Marvin answered before I got a chance too.

"Report this to Dark and Anti. I'll go find her," He sighed before taking off, hoping to find the very pissed off teenager.

"I wish him luck in finding her."

"Me too," Marvin snorted.

"Marvin? Are we doing the right thing but watching her constantly?"

"It's the only way any of us can think to protect her," He answered. That doesn't make it right...

Melody's POV

I teleported into Ryan's room, angry tears streaming down my face.

"Melody? Baby, what happened?" He asked once he noticed me. I fell into his arms and started sobbing. He soothed me, rubbing my back and muttering comforting phrases. Once I finally calmed down, I started telling him everything that had happened. The possession, my crushing my amulet, my coma, all of it. All the way to the current aftermath.

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