Chapter 12~ You Don't Know Jack About Leaving A Mark

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Dark's POV

"Princess? What are you doing?" I asked, slowly opening her bedroom door.

"Just chilling. Why, did you need something?"

"I just haven't really seen you today. Mind if I join you?" I asked, stepping into the room.

"Sure, but you're going to be pissed at my choice in entertainment."

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm watching Mark." I stopped cold.

"And why... pray tell... are you watching him?"

"Because he really is an idiot on camera. I like watching him make a fool of himself. And I'm looking out for new possible egos."


"I know you don't like me watching Mark, and I know Anti hates it when I watch Jack, but they don't even know I exist. They don't know that the twelve of you are raising me, or that you adopted me. So what's the harm?"

"They have a way of... poisoning people against us... at least Anti and I."

"Daddy... nothing they could ever say could take me from your side. I mean, I've been torturing and killing alongside you and Anti since I was 5. There really isn't anything worse you could do or that they could say you've done."


"I promise," She smiled softly, patting the spot next to her on the bed. I crawled in next to her.

"Can we watch something else?"

"Criminal Minds?" She suggested.

"Sure. Why not?" I smiled, pulling her against my chest. She pulled up Netflix on her iPad and that's how we stayed for about an hour and a half.

Anti's POV

"Hey, Catboy. What are you up too, another failed spell?" I snickered, finding Marvin in the living room.

"No, I finished a spell and I'm just taking a break. Not all of us have infinite energy."

"Sucks to be you then," I smirked. He didn't get a chance to reply because someone knocked at the front door. Marvin and I shared a look of confusion; nobody should be coming over here. I answered the door and growled.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's been a while, Anti. We just wanted to check up on you guys," Sean said, disgustingly sincere.

"Mark? Sean? Come on in guys, ignore the bitchy glitch," Marvin called over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, but let them in anyway.

"I'm going to get Dark," I said before glitching to his office. I looked around, not seeing him anywhere. I switched to his room before finally glitching into Melody's room. And there he was, cuddling with her watching something violent.

"Anti? What's up?" Melody asked, confused but still happy to see me.

"Dark's going to want to head downstairs and you are to stay right here. Do you understand?" I ordered. It wasn't that I didn't trust Melody, on the contrary, I trusted her the most out of anyone else to ever exist, but I didn't want her meeting Jack and Mark. That could lead to problems. Dark nodded before following me out of the room.

"They're here, aren't they?" He asked as we walked downstairs.

"Yup. And I don't want her meeting them."


"Hi, Dark. It's been a while, huh?" Mark asked, that annoying smile on his face.

"Yes, it has. May I ask why the two of you are here?"

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