Chapter 37~ And She's Gone

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Two weeks after the wedding

Melody's POV

"Are you nervous?" Ryan asked as we headed to my dad's house.

"Not really. Are you? They're probably all pissed at you for stealing me away," I teased.

"Nervous? No. Absolutely terrified? Yes."

"Awww, baby. You'll be fine. As long as you stay next to me."

"That's not helpful, Melody!" He cried and I laughed.

"Watch the road!"

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"That's just who I am, babe. You knew that when you married me. What does that say about you?"

"That I'm a glutton for punishment."

"And I'm just the girl to give it to you," I said, kissing his cheek as he pulled into the driveway.

"Yes, you are. Now be honest; are you nervous about moving out?"

"You know, I thought I would be, but I'm actually really excited. I get to see your handsome face every day," I said, kissing my husband.

"We should probably head inside, huh?"

"Yeah, we should. I bet my dads missed me. Prepare for me to be tackled when one of them opens the door."

"No doubt. You found a good family, Mel. And I'm so glad you did," He smiled.

"Me too. But you're apart of that family, Ryan. You always have been." No other words needed to be spoken. We both knew I was right.

We made our way to the front door and I knocked. It only took a few seconds for the door to practically fly off its hinges to reveal Wilford.

"Gumdrop! Oh, how I've missed you," He said, pulling me into a papa-bear hug.

"I've been gone for two weeks. Relax. How are you going to survive me moving out?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," He pouted.

"We have to talk about it. Today's the day," I told him.

"Can't Ryan just move in with us?"

"So the twelve of you can dictate my marriage? No. Nice try though," I said, patting his back as I made my way into the old house that had become my first real home. I made my way into the living room, with Ryan and Wilford following me.

"Dad?! I'm home!" I called and my voice carried through the house, followed by the eleven sets of feet stampeding down the stairs. It took an hour for all of them to calm down and to get enough hugs from me.

"I'm so happy you're home, Dollface."

"Yeah, about that. I'm moving out today," I said sheepishly, noticing Wilford, Anti and Dark glare at Ryan. "Enough of that," I said, slapping each of them on the back of the head.

"But Princess-"

"But nothing. I am an adult, I am married, and I'm moving out. Today. And if you keep acting like assholes, I won't come back," I glared at them. They all took a step back in horror and gasped.

"You... you wouldn't actually do that... would you Gumdrop?" Wilford asked with puppy-dog eyes.

"I would. Now behave," I said, marching up the steps to my old room, Ryan following closely behind.

"You would do that for me?" He asked, incredulous.

"Of course I would. You are just as much my family as they are," I gave him a soft smile, kissing his nose. It didn't take long for Jackieboy-Man, Marvin, Jameson, Chase, Simon, Issac, and Henric to join us in my room and help me pack.

"I know Anti, Wilford and Dark are all pouty, but where are Host and Google?" I asked as we worked.

"Trying to keep Dark, Anti and Wilford calm so they don't kill Ryan," Simon answered.

"They knew this was going to happen eventually, I don't know why they can't just accept that our little girl is a grown married woman who needs her own space with her husband," Jackieboy ranted.

"Because it's Dark, Anti and Wilford. They've been trying to keep Melody our little girl for how long now?" Marvin answered.

"Since her first birthday with us," Issac answered.

"Remember when Dark hated you?" Chase asked me.

"Yes. He was convinced I'd be his downfall and wanted nothing more than to get rid of me."

"And now he'z throwing a fit about vou moving out," Henrick scoffed.

"Dark hated you?" Ryan asked, confused. "But he absolutely adores you."

"Yeah, now. When I first came to the Manor, he hated me."

"Sorry, I'm having a really hard time believing that," Ryan chuckled.

"Host tells Ryan that he should believe it. There was a time when Darkipler loathed Melody."

"I don't want to talk about it," Dark pouted, as the missing five Egos joined us.

"It's going to be ok, Daddy. I promise. I still love you."

"I know you've been here for 13 years, but it feels like you just got here," He mumbled into my shoulder as he hugged me.

"I'm not dying, Daddy. I'm moving two towns over. I'll be really close by." It took a while, but I managed to calm Dark, Anti, and Wilford enough so they would stop looking at me with those sad puppy-dog eyes that made my heartache. But with the fourteen of us working, we finished packing up my stuff in no time.

With the packing done, and all of my things joining Ryan's at our new home, my dad's insisted that Ryan and I stay for dinner. After Google had teased fun nuggets, tater tots and mozzarella sticks I caved and agreed.

"I can't believe you caved for dino shaped chicken nuggets, tater tots, and mozzarella sticks," Anti smiled, shaking his head.

"You don't mess with perfection," I shot back, thoroughly coating one side of a nugget in ketchup to look like blood before popping it into my mouth. "So what did you guys do for these last two weeks?"

"Issac made us have group therapy together. The other Egos were there too," Google answered.

"Wait, so you're telling me that after everything fucked up the twelve of you have done, the thing that makes you all have therapy is me going on my honeymoon?" I laughed, directing my question at Issac.

"They wouldn't leave the house, Melody. Marvin wasn't practicing any new tricks, Simon hadn't put peanut butter on his face in two days, Anti let Henrick put all his knives in the kitchen, and the Host wasn't writing. Nobody was themselves. I had to do something."

"At least half of the people in this house are psychotic killers, but me going on my honeymoon puts them in need of therapy in your eyes. Just to clarify," I sniggered.

"Hey, it worked," He said, getting defensive. "They were at least somewhat functioning."

"Whatever you say, Doc," I smiled. Dinner carried on, but it had to end at some point so Ryan and I made our way back to the truck, only after I had given each of my dads a long hug and a kiss on the cheek, and made our way to our new home. To our new life.

Dark's POV

I watched her climb into his truck and he drove off, taking the one good thing in my life away.

"And she's gone," I told her eleven other fathers. "And she's gone."

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