Chapter 19~ Take Me To the Courtroom

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Melody's POV

"I need food," I grumbled to myself and forcing myself off my bed. I made it to the living room without seeing any of the Egos, which was unusual, to say the least. I wondered where everyone was until I saw who was in the kitchen, sitting alone at the bar table.

"Chase?" I asked, confused but happy to see him nonetheless. He turned around and my heart broke. He looked awful. His hair and clothes were complete messes, he had huge bags under his eyes and he looked like he'd been crying.

"Stacy kicked me out... she wants a divorce, Mel," He told me as I sat down next to him. He took a swig of whiskey that I hadn't noticed before.

"What... what happened?" I asked, knowing that was probably a touchy subject, but I'd rather he talk his way through his issues than drink his way.

"We started fighting a lot after she met you... she kept saying I'd put Samantha and Greyson in danger and that I loved you more than I'd ever love her or them... But Melody that's not true. I love them all so much... and now she's threatening to take the kids away from me," He was crying again. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight but letting him continue. "And when she spoke to her sister, her sister agreed that I was unfit for those kids which only made things worse. Melody, I don't think I'll ever see them again..."

"Chase... I'm so sorry... This never would have happened if it weren't for me. I'm sorry..." I couldn't help but feel like I had just cost him everything by spending a few hours with his other kids.

"This isn't your fault, Melody... I don't blame you. You did nothing wrong. Samantha and Greyson were so excited to meet you and they were even more excited after they left. They love you already and were so confused when Stacy started telling them that you were a monster and that you'd hurt or even kill them. And when I led them upstairs to keep them as far away from the fight as I could, Stacy started screaming that if anything happened to them because of you, it'd be my fault because I let them get attached to you. It took forever to calm them down."

"You know I'd never hurt them, Chase."

"I know. I do, but Stacy wants a divorce and sole custody. I can give her the divorce, but I won't give up those kids, Melody. I can't."

"And you won't. I promise I will get you at least court-ordered visitation rights."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Everything will be by the book, I promise. But you have to take her to court for it to work. We have to do this legally, or else she can take them and run."

"Ok," He agreed.

Timeskip to May 17, 2017

Chase's POV

After the appearance with the judge, Stacy and our lawyers, I was a little nervous about the hearing. The court usually ruled in favor of the mother and if that happened, I'd never see my kids again. Melody had done a decent job of keeping me calm and keeping me away from alcohol but there were times where I snuck a glass or two. But she had been watching me like a hawk today.

"Dad, you have to trust me. Everything will be ok."

"I know, but courts almost always rule in the favor of the mother and what if that's true here?"

"She has no case. You have been nothing but supportive, loving, understanding, and keeping their best interests at heart. Her problem is that she doesn't like me and she's taking it out on you. I got you in this mess, and I'm going to help get you out of it." I nodded.

"I trust you." It didn't take long for the hearing to begin. Stacy was on the stand first and made the same claims she'd been making all along, and she was doing her damnedest to poison everyone against me. I was up next and answered every question honestly and it seemed like things were going ok. I kept my eyes on my oldest daughter when I needed to control my emotions and she nodded at me, encouraging me to keep going.

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