Chapter 33~ Dad Mode Activated

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Ryan's POV

I sat in my truck and looked at the ring in the ring box. I took a deep breath and got out of the truck, walking to the front door. I knew Melody was with MaKenna, so this was the perfect time for me to talk to her dads. All... twelve... of them...

"Hey, Ryan. Melody's not here right now, and I don't know when she'll be back," Jackieboy said, answering the door.

"I knew, she's with MaKenna. I actually needed to talk with all of you," I said, my nerves setting in.

"Oh. Ok. Come on in, I'll go get the others," He smiled leading me to the same room I had first seen them all in.

"What did you need to speak to us about?" Google asked once all twelve of Melody's fathers were in the same room.

"You are all aware that I've known Melody since she was three and I never once was deterred by her species," I started.

"Yes, and you helped get her out of a dangerous situation. What of it?" Dark asked and I couldn't help the terror merging with the anxiety.

"Well, I've been dating Mel for a while now, and I've known her practically forever... and since we're Mates I'd like to make our relationship something a little more... concrete..." I trailed off and Anti's eyes narrowed.

"Concrete how?"

"I'm asking permission to marry her," I blurted out. Seven of the Egos burst out in large grins on there faces; two of them seemed concerned, and the last three looked horrified.

"Seriously?" Jackieboy laughed, clapping his hands and levitating a bit. "I'm all for this!"

"Jameson and I are so excited for you," Marvin beamed, little tendrils of his magic escaping with his excitement.

"Welcome to the family, bro!" Chase grinned.

"This is wonderful news!" Simon exclaimed, eyes shining bright.

"This is an ideal outcome," Issac said looking at Henrick.

"Zhere iz no one bettah for her zhen Ryan," He agreed, smiling.

"The Host would like to say that he agrees that there is no one better for Melody than Ryan but would like to point out that Melody only turned 18 last February and it is currently June."

"I agree, isn't it a bit soon to be discussing marriage?" Google asked.

"That's fair, but Melody and I are Mates, and will most likely be together forever anyway. I just want to make a commitment to her; a promise that I'll love her forever."

"The Host tells Ryan that that is admirable and that the Host respects him for it, as well as gives his blessing. But should Ryan hurt Melody in any way, the Host will come after Ryan with his baseball bat and Ryan will not like the outcome."

"I hope the two of you will be happy together, even if I still think it's a bit soon," Google smiled.

"You fuckers have got to be kidding me! All nine of you are ok with letting Melody marry a kid she knew when she was little and has just barely reconnected with?" Anti screeched.

"It doesn't matter, this will not be happening anytime soon," Dark said, glowering at me.

"Gumdrop just isn't ready for this yet. She stays here," Wilford added, and the three of them didn't look like they were changing their minds anytime soon.

November 13, 2018

Wilford's POV

I watched Melody come in through the front door, the happiest I'd seen her in months.

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