Chapter 27~ Sing For Me

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Wilford's POV

I walked up to Gumdrop's door happily. She always made everyone in the Manor happy, even Mr. Doom-and-Gloom Darkiplier. As I got closer, I heard her singing. I paid no mind, she always sang to herself. But as I got closer I heard the words and stopped short.

"Honey honey, how he thrills me, a-ha, honey honey

Honey honey, nearly kill me, a-ha, honey honey

I've heard about him before

I wanted to know some more

And now I know what they mean, he's a love machine

Oh, he makes me dizzy." I peered behind the door and watched as my innocent little Gumdrop danced around her room, rather provocatively. I turned around and hurried across the hall to Dark's office. He and Anti were yelling at each other again and didn't notice me until I cleared my throat.

"Yes, Wilford?" Anti asked, annoyed.

"It's Melody," I said, fear creeping in my eyes.

"What about her?" Dark asked, nonchalantly.

"She's... she's growing up..." I gulped. I looked into my brother's eyes and saw the fear there. He didn't say another word, he just ran across the hall to her room; Anti and I followed. We hid behind her door and watched her dance. She was still dancing suggestively, but she had toned it down.

"Wilford, she always dances like that. If you dragged us out here for nothing I swear..."

"Shhh..." I said as Melody opened her mouth.

"Honey honey, let me feel it, a-ha, honey honey

Honey honey, don't conceal it, a-ha, honey honey

The way that you kiss goodnight

The way that you hold me tight

I feel like I wanna sing

When you do your thing

Honey honey, how you thrill me, a-ha, honey honey

Honey honey, nearly kill me, a-ha, honey honey." There it was again. Her fingers ghosted over her body as she danced as if someone else was stealing her innocence. Or, at least, what was left of it. I looked at Dark and saw the fear creep into his soulless eyes. I glanced at Anti, and he had the same look, just a little less intense. We didn't say anything as she got to the last verse.

"I'd heard about you before

I wanted to know some more

And now I'm about to see

What you mean to me." She stopped dancing and looked out the window, sadness in her voice. We backed away from the door and Dark started giving orders, per usual.

"Wilford, go round up the other Iplier egos, Anti, you do the same with the Septic egos, and both of you set up a huge blanket and pillow fort. Prepare for a dance party. We can't let her grow up." Anti and I nodded in agreement and set off to find our respective brothers.

Melody's POV

I glanced out the window for a while, wishing I could hang out with Ryan without one of my dads following me. But I knew better, they were all super protective of me. It wasn't long before there was a knock at my door. I didn't respond, I knew whoever it was had been approved by my dads if it wasn't one of my dads themselves. I was right, Alpha Dad entered my room.

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