Chapter 4~ I Don't Bite... Much

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Dark's POV

After Wilford had stormed out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts, I realized he was right. If I gave her a reason to not kill me and Anti when she got older, if I manipulated her into liking me, then maybe she wouldn't pose that big of a threat. Maybe I could turn her into a weapon for me and not against me. I nodded in agreement with myself, this would be my best plan yet. I would wait a while before making any moves, Wilford and Chase were too riled up from me accidentally giving the tiny pup an anxiety attack. I would make my move later on. I decided to go downstairs for coffee before coming back up here to get some work done. I walked downstairs to find almost everyone downstairs already.

"Good morning, Dark!" Jackieboy-Man exclaimed upon seeing me.

"Good morning, all," I responded while making my coffee.

"You seem chipper. Why?" Anti asked.

"I've had a breakthrough."

"Have you now?" Anti growled, clearly suspicious.

"Yes, I have. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back upstairs so I don't lose my train of thought," I said, making my way out of the kitchen and back to my study, where I began to draw up my plans.

Anti's POV

My eyes narrowed as Dark left. I didn't like how he was acting, he seemed too happy to have just 'had a breakthrough'. A breakthrough about what?

"Morning guys!" A tiny voice broke me from my thoughts and back to reality.

"Good morning, Peanut. How'd you sleep?" Simon asked her, putting her on his knee.

"Good once I was with Chase," She answered.

"You slept in Chase's room? Why?" I asked.

"She said she couldn't sleep so she found me."

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" I repeated, trying to put all the clues together. I was still missing a large portion of the puzzle, but it was slowly coming together.

"No, something felt wrong in my room, so I thought being with someone else would help. I was right, I fell asleep not long after I was in Chase's room."

"Felt wrong? Like, scary wrong? Like the hair on the back of your neck standing up wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Melody asked, confused.

"Just a hunch, Dollface," I answered her, "Now I have some things to attend to. Later." I glitched out of the room and into Dark's office.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded.

"What are you talking about?"

"She couldn't sleep because something felt wrong in her room. Something scary, something that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Like maybe, I dunno, something from the shadows? Now, who does that sound like?"

"I wasn't in her room last night, Anti. I was working."

"We both know that you can't always control your powers when you get frustrated or pissed off. So tell me, Dark, were you upset last night?" I watched his eyes widen and if his skin had color it would have lost it.

"I was the reason she couldn't sleep last night?"

"It would appear that way."

"That wasn't my intention, Anti. You have to believe me. It was not my intention to keep her from sleeping last night."

"Then what are your intentions with her? You seemed far to chipper to have had a breakthrough with work."

"My plan is to manipulate her into liking me so she won't attack me when she's old enough to possess a threat to us."

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