Chapter 34~ If I May, M'lady

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Melody's POV

"Morning dads," I said, walking over to my seat.

"Good morning, Princess. Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Any idea why Host needed to fall asleep cuddling me last night?"

"Host slept with you last night?" Marvin asked.

"Yeah. Didn't want me to get up either."

"Well, you are growing up so fast, Mel. Maybe he just needed some extra love and attention; assurance that you still love him even though you can technically leave us whenever you want," Issac said, taking a drink of coffee.

"I don't plan on leaving though," I replied.

"Plans change, Dollface."

"Well, yeah, but it's not that easy. Where would I go?"

"The point is, Little Wolf, you can go. It doesn't matter where, but you can leave us whenever you choose," Jackieboy said, sadness in his eyes.

"But I don't want to leave..." I said, my own melancholy tone in my voice. Do they want me to go?

"Don't get us wrong, Peanut, we love having you here and this will be your home, even if and when you leave us. But the fact of the matter is, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to," Simon said, making his way to me and placing a kiss to my temple. "You know we love having you here, right? Because we do. And we love you."

"Not to change the subject, but to change the subject, any plans today, Poppet?" JJ asked.

"I'm just going to hang out with Ryan. No idea what we're going to do though. Why?"

"Any idea when he will be coming over?" Google asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"No... but he did say he had something long, thick and hard to show me," I said nonchalantly, waiting for the chaos to start.

"He zaid vhat?" Henrick asked, enraged.

"Not that, you sick fucks," I laughed, looking at the furious faces around the room.

"Don't say things like that, Mel," Chase groaned, putting his face in his hands.

"I can't help it that you have dirty minds," I said, feigning my innocence.

"The Host tells Melody that he knows she said what she said to get a reaction out of us," Host said, finally joining us.

"Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty," I chuckled.

"Hey, Melody?" Wilford asked, using my real name for once.


"Ryan hasn't shown you anything long, thick and hard has he?"

"We are not having this discussion," I said, teleporting my secret stash of cereal to my room before walking off. "And yes, I am a turn tail!" I called to them before walking upstairs.

Later That Day

Ryan's POV

I sighed, looking back and forth from Melody's front door down to my feet, my nerves getting the better of me. Come on Cormier, it's not that hard. Just knock on the damn door. I groaned inwardly, knocking on the door and not two seconds later, Chase opened the door.

"Hey Ryan," He said, gesturing for me to come in. "She's in her room, waiting for you."

"Thanks," I said, making my way to Melody's room. She opened the door just as I approached it, and pulled me inside.

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