Chapter 13~ This... Means... WAR!

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Chases's POV

Dinner was going pretty well until the conversation led to what I had been up to today.

"If you must know, Jackie, I was filming with my nerf gun."

"Nerf gun?" Melody asked, her interest piqued.

"Yeah. Why?"

"No reason. I'd just love to shoot Anti with a nerf gun. Right between the eyes," She said, putting her finger in the spot.

"Why me?" He whined.

"Because you were an ass to Mark and Sean today. And you and Dark need to pay. But I'll find some other way to punish you. Sleep with one eye open," She warned them, mystery in her voice.

"Well, why can't we?"

"Why can't we what, Chase?" Dark asked.

"Have a nerf gun fight?" I explained.

"Wait, seriously?!" Melody asked, bouncing in her seat.

"Well, why not? It could be fun!"

"Pleeeeeeeeease, Daddy? Can we?" Melody asked, giving Dark puppy-dog eyes, knowing he couldn't refuse her when she did.

"Any objections?" He sighed, and Melody gave each of us those damn eyes.

"Then I guess we can have your Nerf War, Princess."

"Yiss!" She hissed in celebration, doing a fist pump.

Time skip to the next day

Chase's POV

Melody had spent the morning in my recording room, gathering as many nerf guns we could find. It turned out I had quite a few, and I had to have over 500 foam bullets.

"Ok, we have the weaponry, but now we need to decide teams," Melody said, sitting on my table.

"We need to keep the team of equal Iplier and Septic egos," I said, sitting next to her.

"Team 1 will be me, you, Host, Wilford, Issac, Jackie, and Henrik while team 2 will be Dark, Google, Simon, Anti, Marvin and JJ," She said after we finalized our teams.

"Let's go round up the others. I'll find the Septics, you find the Ipliers. Deal?" I asked.

"You're on." We burst out of the room, searching for the other Egos. I found Anti in his room, listening to some depressing music.

"Anti, bro, Melody wants everybody in the backyard."

"I'll be there. But you need to get the F̸͚̈́͐͗U̵͖̲̿͂͛̀C̸͙͉͗̎͗K̴̒̈́͘͜ ̸̞̥͓͉̾́̀̄Ő̷̞͙̘̞̅̐Ų̸̧͖̭̔̃̕͘Ť̸̟̭̓ ̸͎̑̈Ǫ̸́̾̓͝͠F̶̧͍̐͛ ̵̥̭͋̒̚̚M̵̨̡̮̘̿Y̸͈͖̰͚̌̀̿̋ ̵̢̰͈͔̲̈́R̶̡̰̟̈̈̐͂̇O̴̢̜͇͂́̍͋Ơ̵̝̹̦͆͂̈̍Ḿ̶̞!̵͈̗̮͈͒̎̕"

"Ok, ok! Jeez, you damn emo," I grumbled leaving him to his depression. After about 15 minutes, Melody and I had rounded up all of the egos.

"Ok, so it's time for our Nerf War. There are two teams, one with 7 players the other with 6. The teams are as follows: Team 1 is Melody, Host, Wilford, Issac, Jackie, Henrik, and me while team 2 is Dark, Google, Simon, Anti, Marvin and Jameson," I told them and as I said their names, they formed the teams.

"Grab a gun or two and some extra ammo. The fight begins in 5 minutes! We'll do a couple rounds, and if your shot below the shoulders you're out for that round. It's a last man standing scenario. If all of one team is out, they lose," Melody explained.

"Why does your team have the extra player?" Anti asked, less than politely.

"Because there are 12 egos plus a Melody. The teams are as even as possible," I explained.

"Host would like to ask to sit out of the action and just watch if that is ok."

"If you're not going to play Host, would you mind refereeing? Making sure no one cheats?" Melody asked, her voice sweet and calming.

"Host says he would not mind."

"Then it's settled. 6 to 6."

"Hold up. Host needs an awesome Ref coat," Melody said, her eyes glowing as she said something in a different language. Host's coat changed from its usual camel color to one with black and white checkered pattern with a red outline on the cuffs of the sleeves, the collar, and the bottom.

"Niiiiice," I said high-fiving her.

"Your five minutes starts now!" Melody said and we all hurried to get our guns. Once our time was over we were lined up at about 15 feet away.

"On Host's count!" I shouted.

"Host says in 3...2...1...go!" And with those seven words, all Hell broke loose. Bullets were flying everywhere, and people were down in a matter of minutes. Jameson was the first one out as Wilford shot him right in the gut.

"Jameson! Nooooo!" Henrik called, running to his side before examining JJ who might have a small bruise but would be fine. Melody kept to her word, shooting both Dark and Anti right between the eyes, but only after shooting them in the chest.

"Cheater!" Anti yelled.

"We were already down!" Dark hollered.

"Sore losers!" She screamed back, shooting at Simon next.

"Melody! Cover my 6!" I commanded while I took a shot at Marvin, who was teleporting around the field. She did, and we managed to snag him right in the balls.

"Jesus! Did you have to hit me there?!"

"Yes," Melody called back, still shooting at Simon who was somehow dodging her foam bullets. He was shot in the back by Wilford, who blew the 'smoke' from his gun.

"Nice shot!" I said.

"Issac, Henrik, stop attending to everyone! They're not even on your team! And Jackie, come on step it up! Melody and Chase are carrying this team!" Wilford told them. Jackie glared at him and shot at Google, but missed. His aim was awful. Melody and I both took the shot, hitting Google square in the chest.

"And that makes six!" Melody grinned.

"How in the flying fuck did you two not get shot?" I asked the doctors, who just shrugged.

"Host asks if everyone is ready for round two?"

"Our team is good" Melody called and our team took their original places.

"So is ours," Dark answered as his team got in position.

"Host says in 3...2...1...begin!" Once more bullets were everywhere and in two minutes flat, Melody had taken out Google, Simon, Marvin, and JJ. But Dark and Anti were hitting targets of their own, eliminating Wilford, Issac, Jackie, and Henrick. It was just the four of us now and the bullets stopped for a second.

"You're going down," Anti snared before they shot at us. Melody shot back while dodging their assault. In the end, though, Anti got me in my left pec.

"Melody, you have to win this!" I said, falling to the ground. Her eyes began to glow as she pulled out two mini blasters and I watched as all three of them shot at the same time, all of them shot.

"Who was hit first, Host?" Wilford asked.

"Host says that Melody was shot first." Melody deadpanned before shooting all six of them repeatedly until Host gave in.

"What Host meant to say was Melody made the shots first. Her team wins."

"Victory! Victory is mine! Victory screech!" The six of us victory screeched and Dark facepalmed.

"Why do we love her again?" He asked Anti who shrugged.

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