Chapter 24~A True Lady Pt. 2

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Anti's POV

"So seeing as Dark's head is farther up his ass than usual, who's going to help me find our girl?" I asked the ten other Egos.

"I was wondering why we weren't looking for Melody after she'd been gone for two days," Marvin admitted and Jameson nodded in agreement.

"All I know is I want my Gumdrop back home, safe and sound," Wilford said.

"We all want that Wilford. We all love her just as much as you do," Google said, agitated.

"Why haven't we already gone looking for her?" Jackieboy asked.

"Because Dark's convinced she's throwing a fit. I'm not so sure about that," I answered.

"We agree. Not after..." Issac trailed off, Schneep nodding in agreement.

"Not after what?" Chase asked.

"Not after Melody had yet another depressive episode two days before she left," I answered and there were collective gasps of horror.

"What? Why?" Simon asked in a frenzy.

"Host thinks it may have something to do with Darkiplier's new girlfriend."

"Melody has seemed more down in the dumps since Brandi started coming here," Marvin translated for Jameson.

"If I find out zhat sultry little bitch waz preying on Melody, I will not hezitate to cut her open and harvest her organz," Henrik glowered.

"Then let's go, boys! We have a damsel to save!" Wilford said, standing up. The rest of us followed him to the woods. It was the only plausible place she would run to if she felt unwanted by everyone. We searched for hours to no avail.

"We need to split up. We are never going to find her this way," I said, sighing. "Issac and Schneep, you two are together, Simon and Chase, Marvin and Jameson, Google and Host, and Wilford and me. Jackie, you fly ahead and see what you can." We split up in search of our baby girl and eventually, a text came through saying Simon and Chase had found her. We all rushed to their location and there was Melody, looking exhausted.

"Doll, why don't you come home with us?" I asked, my heart breaking at the sight of her.

"Because... I don't want to ruin Dark and Brandi's relationship and it's obvious neither of them wants me there. All the horrible things she said about me and when I told him about it he said I was just jealous. But dads, all I've ever wanted was for you all to be as happy as you made me when you adopted me." She was crying now. Big, fat, alligator tears streamed down her already tearstained cheeks.

"What did she say about you, Gumdrop?" Wilford asked.

"That Dark is always saying how I'm his innocent little girl, but she bets I've slept with every boy and most of the girls in my school and she bets I'm fucking both Ryan and Mickey. And how it's no wonder I only have two friends because I'm a needy, self-centered bitch and she bets the only reason they stay friends with me is because I grant sexual favors. And how Dark won't love me for much longer because she's the number one woman in his life now and she can give him things I never will. She said he's already growing tired of me and how long until he just gets rid of me? That I'm just a broken little bitch he took pity on. That even my birth family didn't want me. That's how undesirable I am. She said that I truly am a monster and it's a wonder Dark ever loved me. And finally, she doubts I was ever molested because who would want to touch me?"

"How long did you take that abuse, Melody?" Google asked, a cold, calculating glint in his eyes.

"A couple weeks..." She admitted, her eyes firmly on the ground.

"Why didn't you say anything, Peanut?"

"It didn't bother me at first. But then she didn't stop and I started to wonder if some of it was true..."

"Bunny, none of that is true. You are probably the least horny teen I've ever met and you are not a monster. You are a survivor and you mean everything to us."

"I still don't want to go back... things will just get worse... Dark is already mad at me. I told him what Brandi was doing to you guys and some of the stuff she said to me and how I heard her on the phone saying that she was using him and he didn't believe me. He said I was just jealous."

"Simon, Chase, stay here with her. The rest of us need to beat some damn sense into Dark and I don't want her running off and hiding again. Chase has the most experience in parenting and Simon knows these woods," I said before leading the rest of the Egos home.

"Ḋ̶̡͍͎̦͚̀̓́͘͠ͅȀ̶̢̱̬̥̭̕͝͝R̶̞̪̍̔͊K̷̢̨̛͛̈͘?̶̪̭͕͍̬̞̲͑̃̀̋̂ ̷̦̘̩̞͓͔̊̐̂̑́͘W̴̨̹̜̪͑̍̏͊͠͠Ḩ̸̨̘͚̙͔̾͊̑̽E̷̞͍̣̿Ŕ̴͙̮̬̥̒Ĕ̷̢ ̸̡̛̥̤̹̝̮̋̒̚T̸̗̭͔͙́̆͊̏͘̕H̸̺̮͓͖͐̅͜E̶͈̼͍̖̓ ̷̣̰̳͋̄̏̓͗͝F̶̡̢̞̳̻͈̑̈́̋̅̊̉͝Ư̷̧̗̟̯̓̄͛Ć̵̼͑̄͑͒͘Ǩ̷̪̳̗̗͖̠̀͑̾́̇ ̸̡̡̹̬̈́̂̊͗̆Ä̴̢̆̅́̈́̉̆R̴̹̕E̷̩̿̾̎̒͗ͅ ̷̟͕̳̘̣̯̈̾͆̂͝Ÿ̷̗̺́̀̿͝͝ͅO̷̟̬̿͝U̵͕̜̜͔̩͙̣̽̀͋̽̽̚?̷̛̱̊̔̇͘" I screamed into the Manor, knowing it would draw him out.

"What do you want, Anti?" He asked, coming down the stairs. He looked bored and my blood boiled.

"What do I want? W̸̨̞̪͕̩̟̎h̶͖̝̯͚̖͚̑̈́a̵̧̗̥̻͌̈t̴̼̭̺̯̹͚͍̾̈̊̀̚ ̶͎̃̐ď̴̼͚̗̦̙o̴̱͋̂ ̷̺̖̜̣̋̑̒̈́ͅÌ̷͍̦̠̘̗͉̔̂̐ ̷̲̭̳̀w̵̠̪̥̻͔͆̐ą̴̝̗̥̟̍̍͒̋n̷͓̰̞̭̟̯͇͒t̷̹̒͗̋͑͊̑̕?̴͖̂͑͐͝ I want you to take your head out of your ass so you can see the damage you are causing your daughter. Do you know what she said when I begged her to come home? She said it's obvious you don't want her here. She said she told you about the incredibly shitty things your girlfriend was saying about her and you simply said Melody was jealous. May I remind you, Darkiplier, that Melody was the happiest girl alive when she found out you were in a relationship. May I remind you that Melody was the most supportive out of all of us. That Melody did her fucking best to bond with Brandi. But it was Brandi who made Melody feel unwelcome in her own goddamn home. It was Brandi who made Melody sink so far back into her depression that we had to use medications to draw her out of depressive episodes. It was Brandi who preyed on an innocent 17-year-old girl's insecurities that Melody hasn't thought of since she was 13. Do you know that the first thing out of Melody's mouth when we found her was 'I don't want to ruin Dark and Brandi's relationship.' Melody was going through mental and verbal abuse for weeks, in your house and said nothing because all she fucking wants is for you to be happy. And if you are seriously going to choose a skank you haven't even known for a month over your daughter who you have defended even when she was completely in the wrong proves that there is something very fucking wrong. Dark, you are an asshole who never deserved Melody in the first Goddamn place." I stormed off, the rest of the Egos, save Dark, following me, all beyond pissed.

Dark's POV

I was shocked. Has all this really been going on under my nose the whole time? I watched as one by one, the rest of the Egos went upstairs, beyond pissed off. I grabbed Jackieboy-Man's wrist, preventing him from going to his room.

"Where is she..?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Why should I tell you? You've already done enough."

"Please. I need to fix this," I pleaded.

"If you hurt her worse than she already is, I will personally destroy you. But track Chase and Simon's phones. That should lead you right to her. Now let me go," He said, pulling his arm away from me. I promised I'd never let anyone hurt you ever again... I never thought I'd be the one to hurt you... I'm so sorry, my Princess.

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