Chapter 7~ Time's A-Wasting Pt. 2

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Chase's POV

"Are you having a good day?" I asked, tucking her into bed. She had insisted that we hang up the dreamcatcher she and Host had made.

"Yeah. But, Chase? Why did Marvin think Dark did something to me?"

"I don't know, angel. I'll ask him and report back, ok? Now get some sleep. You still have six hours before bedtime and I know it's going to be fun and tiring."

"Ok. I love you, dad," She said before rolling over and falling asleep.

"Love you too, Pumpkin." I left her room and went in search of my feline-esque brother. I found him in his room, working on something. I knew better than to startle him while he was working on magic, so I waited and watched. He ended up creating an illusion of a cat from smoke.

"Well done Marvin!" I clapped, announcing my presence and congratulating him simultaneously.

"Thank, Chase. Did you need something?"

"Yeah, I just had a question. I just put Mel down for her nap and she mentioned you said something about Dark doing something to her. What was she talking about?"

"Oh, when Dark dropped her off to Jameson and I this morning she seemed upset. I was worried he may have treated her like one of the girls he likes to bring around here. She said he didn't do anything, but I can't help but wonder."

"I'm sure it's nothing. Dark seems like he wants to protect Melody, not harm her. I'll see you later, bro."


At precisely 3 o'clock, I made my way to Melody's room. She was still soundly asleep. I made my way over to her and shook her gently.

"Wake up, Eclipse. You have to wake up."

"What time is it?" She asked groggily.

"3 in the afternoon. It's time for a snack and education."

"Do I have to wake up?" She asked.

"Yes, you do. You have a schedule to keep," I informed her, my robotic heart swelling with a human emotion I believe was called 'love'.

"But I like sleep," She whined.

"Do you give Chase this much trouble?" I asked, knowing that getting her to talk would prevent her from falling asleep. She'd actually wake up faster this way.

"Yeah. I really don't like getting up."

"I can see that. Come on," I said, picking her up.

"But I'm sleepy," She pouted.

"I know, Eclipse, but you still have things to do. Come on, let's get you some food."

"Cheese stick and ants on a log?" She asked, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Of course. There we are," I said, placing her in her chair. She whimpered as I put her down, probably from the loss of heat.

"Don't give me that, Melody. You're going to be just fine." I grabbed the peanut butter, celery, and raisins and started putting the three together before handing them to Melody with a cheese stick and apple juice.

"Are we doing math again?" She asked, thoroughly unimpressed.

"Actually, I thought we could do a science experiment. You eat up while I get it ready, ok?"

"Ok," She agreed, her curiosity peaked. I grabbed the vinegar and the baking soda as well as a large mixing bowl.

"What on Earth are we gonna do with that?" She asked, finishing her ants on a log and moving to her cheese.

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