Chapter 25~ A True Lady Pt. 3

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Dark's POV

I had followed the GPS on Simon and Chase's phone before finally stumbling upon the three of them in a small clearing of trees, sitting on a fallen log.

"What are you doing here?" Simon asked, standing in front of Melody, obviously upset.

"I just need a moment alone with Melody. If you two would please go back to the Manor," I said calmly, trying not to reveal how upset I was over my own actions.

"Why would we do that?" Chase asked, holding her tighter.

"Because you don't have a choice," I snapped. Their eyes widened before they glanced at Melody. They're willing to suffer tremendous pain to protect her from me... She nodded to them and Chase kissed her forehead and Simon rubbed her back before they retreated to the Manor.

"You have me alone. Are you going to tell me what a fuck up I am?" Melody asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"No, Princess. I'm here to apologize to you. For several things. I'm sorry that you felt you couldn't come to me when you were hurting. I'm sorry I brought that pain into our home in the first place. I'm sorry that I wouldn't listen to you when you had finally had enough. I'm sorry I spent days insisting you were just throwing a fit. I'm sorry that you thought that I didn't want you to come home. And I'm so sorry that I broke my promise that no one would ever hurt you again. You tried to tell me something was off and I didn't listen and it could have cost me you... I should have listened to you, Melody. I know that now. You don't have to forgive me but please come home."

"Going back there while she's there is only going to cause more pain for everyone. And I won't make you choose between us. You'll be happier with her anyway," Melody said, her gaze falling to the ground.

"Melody, listen to me," I said getting on my knees in front of her and placing a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me. "If you think for one second that I would allow my baby girl to continue living out here, especially with winter approaching, then you are sorely mistaken. Melody, my Princess, please. Come home with me. I promise you, you are the most important lady in my life. You always have been and you always will be. But please, Sweetheart, come home. I need you to come home."

"I'll come home, Daddy," She whispered, her eyes never leaving mine. I nodded and we made our way home, Melody in her wolf form. When we made it home, Brandi was waiting for us in the foyer.

"Dark you have mud all over your pants. And why is the mutt is back in the Manor?" She asked. The comment was enough to make my blood boil; it was so easy to see what Melody and Anti were talking about. Before I could say anything, Melody shifted back and started speaking.

"At least the mutt has enough respect for herself not to go after a guy for what he can give her. Only a woman so low would call out a teens insecurities to make herself feel better about herself, Brandi. What is it? The fake ass, tits, tan and highlights not doing it for you anymore so you verbally abuse a teen who had never given two fucks about how she looked? And no matter how often or little we fight, Dark will always choose me in the end because unlike you, I have earned the title 'Lady of the Manor' through years of learning about each Ego in it and accepting them no matter how insane or lethal they are. I may be a mutt, Brandi, but at least I was adopted into a family who loves me no matter who I do. But I'm guessing you didn't have that luxury. That's why your occupation is 'homewrecker'." I was beaming with pride. My little girl had finally stood up for herself, and she did so elegantly. Brandi was shocked, her eyes bulging out of her head and her mouth hanging open.

"You can leave now. We're done. And don't you ever think about abusing my daughter again, do I make myself clear?" Brandi left the Manor without a word and I turned to my Princess. The true Lady of the Manor.

"I am deeply sorry for everything that happened, Melodonna. Please, can you ever forgive me? I promise I'll always listen to you from this day forward. I trust your instincts."

"Of course I forgive you, Daddy. But if you'll excuse me I think I've only gotten a total of twelve hours of sleep the past few days and I'd like to sleep in my bed."

"Go on up, Princess. I'll see you later," I told her pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Melody's POV

I made it to my room where I stripped out of my clothes and put on some pajamas and collapsed on the bed. I barely made it under the covers before the tears started falling again.

"What do you need Melody?" He had asked.

"Daddy, I think there's something weird about Brandi..." I had answered, watching as he looked up at me harshly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes narrowing in anger.

"Well, for starters she gives the other Ego's orders when you aren't around. And she is on the phone talking about how you're falling for her plan. And she says awful things about me like how I'm a slut, that I'm sleeping with Ryan and Mickey and that's the only reason they're friends with me, that even my birth family didn't want me, that I probably wasn't molested, that I'm a monster..." I tried to explain before it just became too much.

"It sounds to me that you're jealous that you are not the only woman in my life anymore," He growled.

"It sounds to me that you're jealous that you are not the only woman in my life anymore."

"It sounds to me that you're jealous that you are not the only woman in my life anymore."

"It sounds to me that you're jealous that you are not the only woman in my life anymore."

I was sobbing by the time Anti glitched into my room and held me tight against his chest.

"It's ok, Doll. Everything's going to be ok from now on. I promise you that."

"He was so mad at me..." I whispered.

"I know, baby, I know," Anti whispered back, rubbing my back. I clung to him like my lifeline.

"I love you, Papi."

"I love you too, Dollface. Now get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up," He promised.


"I promise." I let myself be consumed by sleep listening to his glitchy heartbeat, knowing I'd be safe and loved as long as he was here for me.

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