Chapter 2~ Attached

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Anti's POV

I left Melody with the others and headed to Dark's office. I didn't bother knocking, he'd yell at me either way.

"There you are. I need your help."

"With?" I asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Getting rid of the wolf pup."

"Why do you want to get rid of her? She's harmless."

"Because one day, she won't be harmless. And she'll be after us first."

"I highly doubt that."

"I don't care what you think, I'm in charge and we do things my way."

"Dark, have you ever considered that maybe she isn't a killer? That maybe she's as innocent as they come?"

"I trust my instinct," Dark growled.

"So do I. And I don't think she's as bad as you think."

"I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked for your help."

"And you're not going to get it."

"Anti, you spent an hour with her. Have you grown... attached?" Dark mocked me.

"So what if I have. You would too if you bothered to even try to get to know her."

"It's your funeral."

"It's called a 'fun'-eral for a reason."

Marvin's POV

"So Melody, how long were you on your own?" I asked as Jameson and I walked outside with her.

"About a week."

"You survived that long on your own?" I asked, amazed.

"I spent most of that time in wolf form. I only shifted back last night because of the eclipse."

"You said you were a witch, right?"

"Yeah. I'm not very good though," She said sadly.

"Why don't you show me a spell?" I suggested.

"You sure?"

"Go ahead," Jameson signed and I translated. She closed her eyes and flames erupted from her hand. She opened her eyes and the flames made their way back to her, burning everything in its path until it reached Melody and engulfed her. She didn't seem to mind, though.

"Are you ok, Poppet?" Jameson signed, panicked. I translated for him.

"I'm fine. I'm a fire witch; this is normal for me."

"Well, what else can you do?"

Dark's POV

After Anti had left, I had made my way to the window. I watched as the mute and the magician walked with the tiny wolf. And then I watched as she set herself ablaze. I watched her perform spell after spell, seemingly never tiring. How could so much power be in one tiny wolf pup? I glared out the window and then she noticed I was watching. She seemed to shrink back, scared. Good, she should be scared of me. I will be her downfall.

A month later

Melody's POV

I sat happily in the lab after dinner one day, watching the two doctors work. I sat on the examination table, swinging my legs. I giggled as Isaac cursed, and Henrik scolded him for his language.

"Zere iz a child in zhe room, Isaac!"

"Sorry, sorry! She's just so damn quiet..." Isaac muttered.

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