Chapter 32~ Down Memory Lane

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Ryan's POV

Time had flown by, and tonight was the night that Melody was graduating from High School. I was so proud of her, and I knew that her dads were too. There we were, thirteen men who all loved her to piece, all a nervous wreck for the ceremony to begin. I sat next to Simon, who for once didn't have peanut butter on his face, and the both of us were trying so hard no to start crying before we even saw her. I was a little bit more successful than he was, but I was a goner when the ceremony started and I saw her. I noticed her chest move in a slow manner and I knew she was trying to keep calm; I knew how nervous she was about this. I only managed to pay attention until Melody got her diploma and sat back down before my mind began to wander.

November 13, 2004

Ryan's POV

I was all alone for days. Yes, there were other kids to play with, but I was new here and I didn't really know anyone. I liked to keep to myself, observing the other kids, and see who I could make friends with.

That's when I heard the voice of an angry kid.

"Why don't you just go back to solitude, freak?" A boy asked a redheaded girl, only about five years old who had a huge book covered in leather. The was a picture over her left eye, her hair was like fire, her skin was like milk and her eyes reminded me of galaxies, the blue and purple swirling around together with little white dots like stars. She was so pretty, but she looked so scared.

"I'm sorry Emory," She hung her head and I narrowed my eyes.

"Leave her alone," I said, walking up to them.

"What did you say, new kid?" The boy asked.

"I said, leave her alone. Are your ears ok?" I asked and he huffed, walking away. I was a few inches taller than him, and I used that to my advantage.

"You didn't have to do that," The little girl said, fear still swirling in her eyes.

"Yeah, I did. It's not right to make fun of other people. I'm Ryan, by the way. Ryan Cormier."

"Melody Lupine," She said, shaking my hand.

March 7, 2005

Ryan's POV

"Hey, Melody!" I smiled, bounding up to my best friend.

"Hey, Ryan..."

"What's wrong, Mel?"

"Ms. Dawson beat me again... She told me I had to have a roommate but didn't want any of the other kids to become infected with whatever I have."

"I'll share a room with you," I said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really. I'll go get my stuff, and we'll share a room," I smiled. Ms. Dawson didn't have any problems with it, but she did ask several times if I was sure I wanted to sleep in the same room as a freak. I told her everytime that Melody wasn't a freak, she was just different and I'd be honored to sleep in the same room as her. That was the night I started teaching Melody how to defend herself.

April 7, 2005

Ryan's POV

I woke up to Melody screaming for help, and I followed the sound to the adults-only area. Mr. Nelson was there, pulling his pants down and Melody used that time to escape. She ran and hid, and when Mr. Nelson wasn't looking, I got her out of their and back to our room.

"Are you ok?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. She didn't say anything, sobbing as she clung to me.

"It's been a year... Ryan, I can't keep doing this..."

"We're going to get you out of here, Melody," I promised, holding her tight. She slept in my bed most nights after that, and I was happy to give her the comfort.

March 29th, 2006

Ryan's POV

"Come on, I think the coast is clear for you to get out of here!" I whispered after we were both tucked in. For a year, I had been learning all of the adult's schedules at night so that Melody could escape without getting caught. We both knew that she would be severely beaten if she was caught. We made it to the front door and she turned to me.

"Thank you for everything, Ryan. I'll never forget you." And then she was gone, running through the streets of L.A., finally safe from Ms. Dawson and Mr. Nelson. I smiled softly to myself before heading back to bed. She was going to be ok. I'll see you again one day, Melody Lupine. Mark my words.

Present Day

Ryan's POV

I snapped out of my daze just as the graduates marched out of the room and I smiled. Against all the odds, Melody had done it. She had found a family, who loved and accepted her, she had managed to graduate valedictorian and most importantly she was forever safe from Elizebth Dawson and Brad Nelson. And I couldn't be prouder.

Melody's POV

"You're being awfully quiet," I said, poking at Ryan's side.

"I'm just so proud of you. That's all," He said, kissing my forehead.

"We're all proud of you, Eclipse," Google smiled.

"Awww guys... you're going to make me cry..." I said, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Don't cry, Little Wolf. I hate it when you cry," Jackieboy said, hugging me tightly.

"Well then stop being so sappy," I said, hugging him back.

"Make me," He said, refusing to let me go.

"Where did the time go?" Dark asked tears in his eyes. "You're all grown up."

"Awww, Daddy..." I said, slipping out of Jackieboy's hold and hugging Dark.

"I'm still your little girl. I always have been and I always will be," I muttered into his neck.

"Yeah, but now you can leave me."

"I once promised you that I'll always come back. That still stands, Daddy. I'll always come back to you."

"Promise?" He asked, holding out his pinkie.

"I promise," I said, locking pinkies with him. "I love you guys," I smiled, looking at them all and remembering everything we'd been through together. Being found on the Lunar Eclipse, being brought home, meeting all of the Egos, having to fight for Dark to not hate me, my childhood schedule, being legally adopted, killing Brad Nelson, my first birthday with the Egos, my 13th birthday, the first nerf war, meeting Mark and Jack, Chase moving with Stacy and the kids, Edward Dahmer, finding out about my own Egos, meeting Stacy and the kids, discovering my sexuality and coming out, Chase's divorce, going to court for Samantha and Greyson, reuniting with Ryan, meeting Mickey, the second nerf war, the Brandi fiasco, dating Ryan, discovering Ryan and I are Mates, my possession, my dads taking care of me, my dads becoming my bodyguards, the talent show and now this. So much has happened, and it seemed as though no time at all had passed.

"I wouldn't give you guys up for the world," I said. "I love you guys, so much."

"We love you too, Dollface," Anti said hugging me.

"Always have and always will," Wilford added and I smiled, happy to have known them; to have been able to love them. And I knew that no matter what else would be thrown our way, we would handle it together. Just like we always did.

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