Chapter 36~ Missing Her

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Two days after the wedding

Dark's POV

The past two days at Ego Manor had been... quiet... to say the least. The typically rowdy Egos were all silent; in mourning of the loss of a certain wolf. With Melody gone, it seemed like all of our joy had vanished. Marvin wasn't practicing any new tricks, Simon hadn't put peanut butter on his face for two days, Anti let Henrick put all his knives in the kitchen, and the Host wasn't writing. Nobody was themselves. So, to help all of us cope, Issac had insisted that the twelve of us meet in the living room this afternoon so we could talk it out. A group therapy session. As annoyed as I was about having to go to therapy with the eleven other Egos, I had not been expecting Issac to call the 10 other Egos that Melody had met, nor had I been expecting them to be hurting nearly as much as Melody's other father's and I were.

"Alright, now that we're all here, who wants to start?" Issac asked.

"I'll go first," Santaplier said.

December 25th, 2013

Santaplier's POV

"Come on, Dark, just let me see her!" I argued with the Shadow Demon.

"Give it up, Santa; you're not meeting her this Christmas or any Christmases for at least six years!" Due to our heated argument, we hadn't noticed the pitter-patter of feet until it was too late.

"Daddy?" A small feminine voice asked. Both of our heads snapped to the sound and a huge grin grew on my face while a look of horror was on Dark's.

"H-hey Princess..."

"Daddy, who's that?" She asked.

"Why, my dear- I'm Santaplier!" I beamed.

"Are you new?" She asked.

"Have you not told her about me!?" I glared at Dark.

"There was a good reason she didn't know you existed," Dark grumbled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Santaplier. I'm Melody. Melody Luna Lupine."

"I know who you are, my dear. And we're going to have such fun this Christmas, yessiree," I grinned and she smiled, clearly not afraid of me like everyone else seemed to be.

Present Day

Dark's POV

"Why didn't you want Melody to know who I was?"

"I was scared she'd leave us. And it wasn't just you I had that fear with."

"Aright, this is good progress. Who's next?"

"I'll go next," Silver Shepard responded.

July 4th, 2014

Silver Shepard's POV

I was flying around town, looking and listening out to see if anyone needed my help. I had just started going out after Ibis's death almost a year ago. Nobody seemed to need my help. There were no struggles or cries for help. Everything seemed ok.

Until I saw the redheaded 16-year-old girl in a tree, all by herself. Just sitting there.

"Are you ok??" I asked, flying next to her.

"I'm fine. Just waiting for my dad to find me. He's a superhero, you know."

"Really? What's his name?"

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