Chapter 11~ Not Very Gentlemanly Pt.2

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Melody's POV

I spent hours in my room, alone. I was used to being alone after school, but I was on winter break and my dads always did something with me on school vacations. I was never left alone for more than an hour. And here I was, alone, for like the third hour. It brought back memories of the orphanage, how I was always alone; isolated. I threw my head back against the wall and curled up into myself even further, sitting on my bed. I don't know how I had managed to piss off every single one of my dads, but apparently, I did. Why else would none of them talk to me?

Dark's POV

February 13, 2014, started like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, made my bed and headed down for breakfast. That's when something changed. Or, more like someone changed. It was obvious something was changing with Melody, I had never been attracted to her like this before. The urge to touch her was so strong, and that terrified me. No father should ever feel compelled to touch a child, and especially not his daughter the way I so desperately wanted Melody. I tried to leave immediately after breakfast, but she stopped me. Of course, she would; every ego had been cold this morning. They probably were having similar feelings and didn't know what to do. To be completely honest, I had no idea what to do either.

"Daddy?" She asked as I was headed to my office.

"Yes?" I answered, trying so hard not to reach out and claim her.

"Did I do something to make you mad?"

"Don't worry about it, Melodonna." I turned and entered the room, closing the door. Any separation between us was necessary right now. The very last thing I wanted was to hurt her, but that was exactly what I would end up doing if I stayed around her.

"I need a nap," I muttered to myself. Maybe the sleep would clear my head and I could go back to being the father I usually was. I called the shadows forward and used them to teleport into my bedroom. I crawled in bed and it took me a while to fall asleep.

I walked to Melody's room and opened the door slowly. She was in bed, turned away from me. I walked over to her slowly, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I crawled in her bed, noticing the lack of clothing I had on; I was just in my boxers. It didn't seem to bother me; I had... planned for this? I looked at her, noticing that she had apparently known about this since she was in black lace lingerie.

"I was wondering when you'd join me. It's cold without you," She whispered.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Kitten," I answered, not in control of my own voice. I wasn't in control of my body either because my hand trailed down her side and in between her legs where I stuck my finger-

I snapped awake, shaking and sweating profusely. I looked down and to my dismay- morning wood.

"Shit. I need to get out of this house. This is not ok." I got out of bed and got into the shower, rubbing out my erection. I hurried around my room, packing for my sudden trip and calling around making business travel plans, effective immediately. I could not be the reason Melody was abused again. I hurried down the hall, hoping no one would notice me but Melody did.

"Where are you going?" She asked, hurt evident in her voice.

"A business trip. I'll be back soon," I said before walking off.

Melody's POV

He was leaving? Why? Was it something I did? I was left standing in the hallway, all alone. Will they all abandon me? Is their fascination with me done? Do they... not care... or love me anymore? Was it all just a big lie? I refused to cry until I walked into my room and closed the door. I slid down the wood, tears mimicking my actions, sliding down my face. Did I get too old? I gathered all my strength and moved from my spot on the floor against the door to my bed. I curled myself into a small ball, clutching my security doll to my chest and looking at the leather binding of my grimoire. They were the only things that brought me any comfort. I stayed like that for hours, skipping lunch and just laying there. Tears caked my face and my sleeves were covered in snot but it didn't bother me anymore. I was numb. As long as I stayed here, like this, I'd be ok. Eventually, having the grimoire staring at me, the evidence of my first family, my birth family, not wanting me grew to be too much, so I placed it on my desk before returned to my position on the bed. I have no idea how long I stayed like that until there was a knock at my door.

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