Chapter 14~ Down A Dad

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Melody's POV

With so many Egos in the house, it was hard to tell if someone wasn't home. But over the past few months, I had noticed that Chase never seemed to be home. But he was home now, in his room, editing one of his videos.

"Hey, you're home," I observed, leaning in the doorway.

"Yup! Need something, sweetie?"

"Just wondering where you keep disappearing off too? Is there a lady, perhaps?"

"Yeah, Stacy. We've been thinking that since we've been married for a few years now that maybe we should live together. We've been looking at houses. Are you mad?"

"I'm hurt that you didn't tell me, but I'm not mad. I mean, you have kids with her, Chase. You should be there for those kids. Plus, now I can use your room as a second library."

"Don't you dare Melody Lupine. I'm still one of your fathers and you will listen to me."

"I'm kidding. I'm not going to touch your room, except to keep the dust mites away. Can't say the same for the others though."

"Hey, Melody? Promise me something?"

"That depends. What am I promising?"

"You'll still talk to me. Even if I move in with Stacy, Samantha, and Greyson. Promise me this won't drive you away from me."

"Dad... never. Nothing will ever drive me away from you. I promise," I said, running to hug him. I ended up in his lap, the laptop discarded to another part of the bed. He held me like his life depended on it.

"Hey, do you wanna record an episode of 'Bro Average' with me?" He asked.

"Sure. Is Chad going to be there?"

"Mel, I know you don't like Chad, but you don't need to be an ass to him every time you see him."

"He's an ass to me first. I'm just retaliating and holding a grudge."

"Whatever. Regardless, it'll just be you and me. So, you in?"

"Of course! Let's go. Do you have tea bags in the recording room or do we need to raid the kitchen?"

"We should raid the kitchen. I don't remember if I have tea bags or not."

"Better safe than sorry. Let's go, C-man!" I said and we crept down to the kitchen, constantly checking if the coast was clear or not. It was, everyone had their own things to do.

"Lady M, have you acquired the treasure?" Chase whispered.

"I have, C-man. Come on, if we leave now we can escape without getting caught," I answered. We tried to make a break for it, but Jackie caught us and caught on to what we were doing.

"Halt, villains," He said, putting his hand out like he was directing traffic.

"Run, Lady M!" We ran away, Jackie hot on our heels but we managed to get to the recording room before Jackie caught us.

"We win!" I laughed, before coughing. I was completely out of breath.

"What are you doing anyway?" Jackie asked.

"Recording 'Bro Average'. Why?" Chase asked.

"Just curious. You two have fun," The superhero said before leaving us be.

"What shot are we doing first?" I asked.

"The Lyon?"

"Chase! I didn't grab the box!" I groaned.

"Why didn't you grab the box!" He asked, laughing.

"Because I didn't think to! We were foiled. Stop laughing at me!" I said before joining him in his laughter. Eventually, we managed to start filming and we had a blast doing it. I knew I was going to miss these moments with Chase.

Time skip

Chase's POV

The day had finally come. The day I'd move in with my wife and kids. To be honest, I didn't know why we hadn't done it sooner, but that didn't matter now. It was time. And Melody had been a huge help in packing my stuff but she had never been to the new place. I think it hurt her more than she was letting on. I knew she'd be ok though, she still had eleven dads who would take care of her.

"Are you finally leaving me?" She asked, snapping me from my thoughts. Her voice was so quiet and hoarse; it sounded like she'd been crying.

"Sweetheart, I will be one call away. I promise," I said, sweeping her in a hug.

"I just want you to be happy," She mumbled into my shirt. It broke my heart to see her like this, but she was strong. She'd be ok. She had to be.

"I promise you, if you ever need me, just call and I'll be here as fast as I can. I love my little Lass. Always have and always will."

"Chase?" She asked, pulling away.


"Promise that you won't forget me?"

"Forget my oldest baby? Never."

"Pinkie promise?" She asked, her eyes watering and pinkie out.

"I promise," I said, locking out pinkies together and kissing her forehead.

"The moving truck will be here soon for the rest of my stuff. Wanna help me load it?"

"I have homework to do," She said and I knew she was lying. Between her OCD about not finishing things and Google helping her with it, I knew she'd been done for hours. But I didn't say anything. She needed to be alone.

I loaded up the truck and soon I was on my way. It didn't take long for me to get everything in its place. I smiled until I felt a pair of hands around my waist.

"Welcome home, baby," Stacy said into my ear.

"Daddy!" Samantha screamed at the sight of me, attaching herself to my leg, Greyson on the other.

"Hey guys," I chuckled. I hadn't expected such a warm welcome but something was still missing. Days passed, and we fell into a normal routine. I was so happy being with my family, but that little nagging feeling never when away. Something was missing. And then I figured out what was missing. Melody. She wasn't here to share a stupid joke with or initiate a nerf war. She wasn't here to have one of our deep conversations with or to just cuddle with when we both needed it. And boy, did I need to cuddle her right now...

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