Epilogue~ The New Lady

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Dark's POV

"Does anybody know what Melody's 'big surprise' is?" I asked the other Egos as we sat down for breakfast.

"We do, but we aren't allowed to tell any of you," Issac said.

"Doctor-patient confidentiality," Henrick added.

"Is Gumdrop sick?"

"Vou'll find out vhen she gets here. Now be quiet," Henrick glared at Wilford. The Iplier Ego pouted but obeyed nonetheless.

"Any idea when she'll get here?" Anti asked.

"No. She'll get here when she gets here," Issac answered, taking a long drink of coffee. That's how the next two and a half hours went, one of the Egos asking the doctors about Melody and being shut down every time. After some time, a car none of us had ever seen before, a silver Toyota highlander pulled up in the driveway.

"Any idea who that is?" I asked, confused. Melody and Ryan had a truck, so who was in the highlander?

"Hi, Daddy!" Melody beamed, stepping out of the car. I grinned, walking up to join her. She said something to Ryan, who promptly nodded before turning back to me.

"When did you two get a new car?" I asked, hugging her.

"I dunno, about a month ago. How are you guys?"

"We miss you. It feels like you never come and see us," I pouted.

"Sorry about that. We got a bit busy..."

"Where is she, Moonshine?" Issac asked, both him and Henrick barreling out of the house.

"Ryan's getting her now. Go get everyone and bring them into the living room. We'll join you in a minute," She said, pushing the three of us towards the house. I rolled my eyes but did as she said anyway. It's good to have her home.

Melody's POV

"Where are they going?" Ryan asked, situating our little surprise in his arms.

"To get everyone else. Ready?" I asked, grabbing my bag.

"Come on," He said, taking my hand and leading me to the house. We made our way to the living room, where all of my dads were waiting.

"Dads- meet Shadina 'Shadow' Kassidy Cormier; our daughter," I said, stepping out of the way so that all of my fathers could see their granddaughter.

"Oooh, zhere's my little Sunbeam," Henrick grinned, taking her from Ryan, who gladly handed her over.

"You had a baby, and didn't tell any of us?" Chase asked, shocked.

"Not true, I told Issac and Henrick."

"We delivered this little Moonbeam," Issac added, kissing my baby's forehead.

"She's absolutely darling. Isn't that right, Darling?" JJ signed to her and I giggled.

"Host asks to hold the little Monkey," Host said and Henrick handed her over. Curious, Shadow placed her chubby hand on Host's eye cloth. She giggled, and all of the adults let out a collective breath we didn't know we were holding.

"What a cute little Squeaker she is," Jackieboy-Man cooed.

"It seems like Cricket isn't scared of the Host," Google observed and I scoffed.

"Of course she isn't. I've been showing her pictures of all of you since I got out of the hospital," I told them.

"Host, can I see the little Ace of Spades?" Marvin asked, coming out of his stupor. Host nodded and handed over my pup and Marvin's eyes flew to mine.

"How old is she?"

"She's 26 days old. Her birthday is on October 13th."

"A tiny Peanut Buttercup. She's perfect, Peanut. Absolutely perfect," Simon said in awe of my daughter.

"Is she the reason you stopped visiting? You were busying having this smol Carebear?" Chase asked, holding her hand.

"Yeah. We had to get the nursery together and I wasn't allowed to do much because Ryan was scared I'd hurt her while she was in utero. She was fine, by the way."

"She looks like you, Dollface. An Angel in her own right," Anti said, just now controlling his glitching.

"You said you have been showing her pictures. Does she know our names?" Wilford asked.

"See for yourself," I smiled.

"Hiya, Dot. I'm your grandpa Wilford," He said, his voice as goofy as ever and Shadow giggled.

"Smart thing, aren't cha?"

"Daddy?" I asked, coming over to him. He hadn't said a word, hadn't moved from his spot and I was worried about him. "Are you ok? Are you... mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you, Princess. I'm just surprised. You had a baby..."

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked and he nodded.

"Come to Mama," I said taking my daughter back from Marvin. She cooed and snuggled into my chest. I offered her to Dark and he took her and all was silent for a solid minute.

Dark's POV

Melody handed me her daughter and I just stared into the baby's, my granddaughters, eyes. The way the shades of grey and purple seemed to move and the tiny white flecks in them was beautiful and was exactly the same as Melody's except for the coloring. She was just as pale as Melody, but her hair was as black as mine. But nothing compared to those eyes.

They were eyes that seemed to know everything despite being so young, they were eyes that didn't judge, they were eyes that loved everyone they saw, they were eyes that a man could get lost in. Eyes I was getting lost in.

"Hello, Precious. I'm your Grandpa Dark," I said, my voice wavering but breaking the silence that had enveloped us nonetheless. Her eyes lit up and she put her hand on my face as if to say "I know who you are."

"Of course, Dark's he favorite. Dark's always the favorite," Anti scoffed and Melody elbowed him in the stomach.

"Lies. I'm the favorite," Melody smirked and I chuckled.

"If that ain't the truth," Ryan rolled his eyes, causing the rest of the Egos to laugh.

"To be fair, she was inside me at one point. We were one, ok Ryan. You wouldn't understand."

"So was I!" Ryan exasperated and Wilford's gun was trained on him in an instant.

"Candyman put the gun in your room. Now," Melody's eyes narrowed and Wilford gulped before turning tail and running upstairs. It didn't matter though. All that mattered was I was lost in Shadina's stunning eyes.

"Welcome home, Shadina. Welcome home," I smiled at her before looking at my daughter. The original Lady of the Manor, and the new Lady of the Manor. All of us, in this giant house, just as it should be.

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