Chapter 23~ A True Lady Pt. 1

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Melody's POV

I made my way to the kitchen after a particularly grueling day of my Senior year to find Dark leaning on the island, flirting with a dirty blonde curvy woman with platinum highlights.

"Hey, Daddy. Who's your lady friend?" I asked, putting my bag down by the island and heading to the fridge.

"Oh good, your home. Melody this is Brandi. Brandi, love, this is my daughter Melody."

"Nice to meet you, Brandi," I said grabbing a cheese stick from the fridge and a slim jim from the pantry before giving the blonde my full attention.

"The pleasure is all mine. Dark, Sweetheart, you didn't mention you had a daughter," She drawled, looking at Dark with something odd in her icy blue eyes.

"Didn't I? I thought I did. Weird," He said, lost in thought.

"Wait, does his mean your not fucking Anti anymore? I don't have to listen to hate-fucking in your office anymore? Brandi, welcome to the goddamn family," I grinned, "I'm so happy for you both." Even though my choice of diction was rated R, I was genuinely happy for them. All of my dads had brought women home for the night but none had ever stayed well into the afternoon. Brandi must have meant something to Dark and I was happy that he found someone. Dark shot me a look and Brandi looked disgusted.

"Alright, well I'm going to go find Google and start in on my homework. You two have fun," I smiled, picking up my bag and heading off to find the lovable, murderous AI.


Melody's POV

Over the next few weeks, I had begun seeing more and more of Brandi. I had tried to hang out with her, get to know her better but she seemed more interested in Dark. I understood that Dark did have a way with women, and men for that matter, but I found it odd that whenever it was just her and I, she got a bit hostile.

"You know, Melody, it wouldn't surprise me if Dark proposed soon. Then I'd really be your mom."

"As much as he likes you, Brandi, Dark like to take his time. You'll be waiting at least another 7 or 8 months before he even considers proposing. Though if he does I'll be so happy for the both of you."

"What do you know about guys, Melody? You're 17. All 17-year-old girls are dumb," She said before strutting away to go find Dark. I rolled my eyes and went to my room, pulling out my phone and texting Mickey.

You got a minute, Mikerz?

Sure do! What's up?

Bitchy Brandi is being extra bitchy this afternoon.

What happened?

She said Dark was gonna propose soon and then I said he won't for at least 7 to 8 months but if he did propose I'd be happy for them and she called me stupid. Something seems awful fishy to me.

Damn, that is extra bitchy. Just let it go, Mel. She thinks she all that with her plastic boobs and butt, fake tan and bleached hair but she makes Dark happy.

You're right, of course. I just don't want him to get hurt.

Just relax. Everything will be fine. I gotta go, trying to do dishes and typing is hard.

Later Mick.

Bye Mel.

I put my phone down and took a deep breath. But Brandi's words circled over an over in my head.

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