Chapter 16~ Internal

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Melody's POV

I had always felt a sort of Darkness within me. It was like someone else was inside of me, and they wanted to take control. I knew that it wasn't my werewolf side, who I had dubbed Luna; it was something else. But I didn't truly meet this sinister persona until Freshman year when Cam Carter decided to amp up his assholery towards me.

"Hey, look guys. It's the nerdy little bitch. Doesn't she look like a try hard? No guy is ever going to want to fuck you, ya'know, even if you do look 16. No one wants to get some weird wolf disease." Cam had been bullying me for as long as I could remember, but for some reason, I snapped. I charged him, my hand around his neck squeezing hard.

"Listen closely, Cam. If you ever say that I'm diseased again, I'll tell them that you only know that because you gave it to me. And I'll tell them that I didn't even feel you fucking me because your dick is smaller than my pinkie, and you'll never be able to get a girl to orgasm. And after school that day, I'll carve my name into your arm so deep that the only way you'll ever get rid of it is if you amputate. Capisce?" He nodded profusely and I let him go.

"See you around, boys," I said, sashaying away, changing my outfit from my normal sarcastic tee and dark blue jeans to black leather pants, a v-neck dark purple and gray shirt with a black leather jacket that wasn't zipped. My combat boots got an upgrade too, taking on silver embellishments and my fire red hair turned darker, almost crimson.

When the day was done, and I found myself home, all of my dad's gave me weird looks.

"Hey, Melody?" Marvin said, his voice cautious.


"What's with all the leather?"

"I decided not to take anybody's shit anymore. And I may have choked a kid today. He lived, it's fine," I said before walking off.

I made it to my room, closing the door before the events of the sunk in.

"Oh, Gods.... That's not like me at all... what is going on with me?"

"Simple, my dear Melodonna. I've finally gotten strong enough to take over your body," A voice said, using my voice.

"Who are you? Or better yet, what are you? And what do you want?"

"Well, my name is Raven. Raven B. Hyde. And I am all your dark magic, your 'negative' emotions like anger, sadness, loneliness, and hatred. I'm another you! Just far more accepting of my badassery, and I'm more murdery and tortury. And as for what I want, well that's simple enough. I want to make them all pay for making you an outcast based on how you were born. And like you, I don't lose."

And for the next month, she took over, making everyone terrified of me. Even some of my dads were uncomfortable with my new development. But they didn't know that it wasn't a phase; I had an Ego of my own. And I had no idea how to control her. So that's how I ended up on my bed, crying while Raven slept.

"Melodonna..." A new voice said softly in my head.

"Wh- who's... there..?" I asked through my sobs.

"My name is Seraphine. Seraphine K. Libelle. And I'm here to help you with your little bird problem."

"Are you another of my Egos?"

"Yes. I am your fiery personality, your confidence, and your elegance. I am your Dragon as Luna is your Wolf."

"So if you're my Dragon and Luna's my Wolf, what is Raven?" I asked.

"She is a Werecat. A panther to be exact. Luna and I call her the 'CatBird'," Seraphine explained.

"Well, how do I take back control? Permanently?"

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