Chapter 29~ I Will Survive

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Melody's POV

I opened my eyes to see a new set of dads in my room, bickering.

"Hey," I croaked, my voice still sore.

"Hello, Poppet," JJ signed to me. He was the only one who noticed I woke up.

"Come here?"I signed to him. He smiled and hopped on the bed, holding me.

"Gumdrop! When did you wake up, Sweetie?" Wilford asked.

"A minute ago. How long was I out?" I asked.

"Only like five minutes," Mark told me.

"Shortest nap ever. Just like Mark!" I giggled.

"HEY! Rude," He grumbled.

"Atta girl!" Anti giggled with me.

"I'm going to assume that you're feeling better?" Issac asked me, his eyes as soft as his voice.

"Much. So when did you guys get here?"

"The Host tells Melody that we arrived in her room about three minutes ago."

"Thank you Host," I smiled.

"You didn't hear me scream, did ya?" Jackie asked.


"When we got here. He is so loud," JJ answered.

"He's a superhero based of off Sean; yes, he's loud Jamie."

"Hey, I can be quiet," Sean mocked offense.

"Sure you can. And the sky is silver. Anyway, what's going on?"

"We're just happy you woke up, Dollface."

"Of course I woke up. I always had faith in you guys."

"Awww, Gumdrop!" Wilford wiped a tear from his eye.


"That was very sweet, Moonshine. So how are you feeling?"

"She said earlier that she felt 'like I was run over by twenty 18-wheelers being driven by elephants'," Sean quoted me.

"I did. I did say that. And it was true. We're down to fifteen 18-wheelers now, just an FYI."

"Only fifteen?" Jackie spoke up, "Well shit."

"The Host wonders how Melody is doing emotionally and mentally."

"Melody thanks the Host and tells him she is still a bit shaken up, but other than that she is fine," I mimicked him, goodheartedly.

"Does she always do that?" Sean asked.

"Sometimes, she does. But most of the time, she speaks normally," Issac answered.

"It doesn't bother you?" Mark spoke up.

"The Host tells Mark that it does not bother Host when Melody mimics his speaking style. The Host tells Mark that he thinks Melody sounds adorable when she mimics him," Host smiled.

"If he had a problem with it, I wouldn't do it," I added, "I don't do it to be malicious. It's a small sign of love."

"She also signs to me even though she knows I can hear her. She makes tiny accommodations for each of us. It's sort of her 'nickname' for us, as we each have nicknames for her that only we use," JJ signed.

"Yeah, all twelve of them have personalized nicknames for me, and some have more than one. Like, Google calls me 'Eclipse', Marvin calls me 'Bunny', Anti calls me Doll or Dollface, and Dark calls me 'Princess'."

"And I call you Mel-Bells," Mark said.

"Yeah. Actually, the only one here who doesn't have a nickname for me is Sean," I said, realizing just how many nicknames I had.

"Yeah, I just call you Mel," He said, shrugging.

"It's whatever. It doesn't bother me if you have one or not," I smiled.

"Melody?" Issac asked, after studying my behavior intensely for the last few minutes.


"Your body went through a lot of trama, and yet you seem completely fine physically. Why is that?"

"Oh, I broke my hand and it triggered and sped up my healing process," I answered.

"You broke your hand?! With what?! A hammer?!" Wilford asked, completely overreacting.

"Yes. I keep one in my desk in case I need to heal fast," I answered simply.

"You just keep a hammer in your desk so you can break your own bones?" Jackieboy asked, shocked.

"I got the idea from Google. It has served me well," I said, defending my trusty hammer.

"While I'm all for you causing harm to others, you cannot break your own bones, Melodonna," Anti said, overwhelmed at this new revelation.

"Guys, it was so gross. She was all like WHAM and then a light green mist enveloped her and she was 100% again. It was weird," Mark reenacted and I glared at him.

"Shut up Mark."

"I'm just saying that it should not be normal for you to break your own bones!"

"Guys, I do this all the time! It's normal for me. And before you ask, Issac, no it is not a new form of cutting. I don't do it to hurt myself, I do it to heal myself. A broken bone triggers my werewolf healing and I heal in seconds. It barely even hurts anymore. I'll survive," I asked, leaning back on the bed, annoyed.

"We're just worried, Poppet," JJ signed and I sighed.

"I know. But you don't have to be worried about me. I'll be fine."

"We're you're fathers, Melody, we are always going to worry about you," Wilford said, hugging me.

"But I'm fine," I said and all the men in the room looked at me with pity in their eyes.

"The Host would like to point out that Melody was possessed today and crushed her own amulet and put herself into a coma that we almost could not wake her from. The Host would like to say that Melody may feel fine, but she is not. Not yet at least."

"As a doctor, I'm going to have to agree," Issac smiled softly.

"We just want the best for you, Melody. That's all we've ever wanted," Jackie said, rubbing my leg.

"Maybe it's best we don't dwell on what could have happened but what did happen," I suggested, suddenly very uncomfortable with the number of eyes on me.

"We just want you to understand everything that could have happened to you, Moonshine," Issac said gently.

"And no more, breaking your own bones," Anti said.

"But Papi-"

"And that's final!"

"You guys are ruining my life!" I whined.

Dark's POV

"What's happening, Eclipse?" Google asked as we entered Melody's room.

"They're yelling at me for breaking my hand," She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, it's weird and you shouldn't do it," Sean huffed.

"Shut up," She glared at him.

"I think you're all beating a dead horse. Melody, if you'd care to join us in the basement, theirs a few loose ends to this whole ordeal I'd like you to tie up," I said and Melody grinned.

"I get to do that?"

"Yes you do," I smiled.

"Fuck yeah!" She grinned, bolting down the stairs faster than any of us could keep up. Somethings never change.

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