Chapter 21~ Someone New

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Melody's POV

How in the Hell is it already June? Just then the bell rang, telling me to get to Homeroom. I made my way to the library and sat down, waiting for the ten minutes to be over so I could get to study hall.

"Alright, Seniors and that one random Junior that for some reason is in the Senior Homeroom, we have a new student. Junior, you now have a friend your age as for some reason, they put another Junior in the Senior homeroom," Mr. Linch said, joking around. "Everyone, meet MaKenna Johnson."

"Are you the other random Junior?" A blonde girl asked, her blue eyes sparkling with hope.

"That'd be me. I'm Melody Lupine," I smiled.

"MaKenna Johnson."

"Have a seat, MaKenna. We'll be here for ten minutes and then it's off to the last period of the day. What do you have?"

"Study hall in here, luckily."

"Same! Has anyone explained how the schedules work here to you yet?"

"No... it's a little bit confusing," She admitted and I nodded.

"At first it is, yeah. Ok so the schedule you have today you'll have every other day, and you'll have different classes on the other days. Let me see your schedule." She handed me the folded piece of paper.

"Ok, so you had math, science, art and study hall today. Tomorrow you'll have study hall, Horticulture, French and English. The next day it'll be math, science, art, and so forth," I explained.

"Why couldn't they have just said that?" She asked and I shrugged.

"They like making it hard on us. And you'll like Horticulture, I took it last year and it was awesome. And you have French and English with me too, and I take the same math class just at a different period."

"Really? At least I don't have to worry about all of my classes."

"Relax, you'll be fine. While we have cliques here, everyone's pretty nice. And if they aren't just come find me. It wouldn't be the first time I put someone in their place for being an asshole."

"You'd really do that for me?"

"Sure. You seem nice enough and I know how scary it can be transferring, especially since the school year's almost over. Today you can go home and say you made at least one friend today."

"Hey, would you mind helping me with the math homework? I'm so far behind..."

"Sure. I'll do what I can in study hall, but why don't you see if you can come over to my house after school. One of my dads is great at math while I am not..."

"I'll ask my mom. That would be awesome, thank you so much!"

"No problem, Mickey."

"Mickey? No one's ever called me that before..."

"Your name is Makenna and no one has ever called you Mickey?" I asked, shocked.

"Never. People call me Ken, Kenny, or Kenna but never Mickey."

"Well, I'm gonna call you Mickey if that's ok with you."

"It's fine," She smiled. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was time to leave.

"I'll let you get your stuff first and then we'll head to my locker. My dad picks me up so there's no rush," I told Mickey as we made our way to her locker.

"Sounds good," She said, grabbing what she needed and depositing what she didn't.

"Next stop, Melville," I declared leading her to my locker and doing the same.

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