Chapter 17~ Great Horrors

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Melody's POV

Today started just like any other Saturday for me. I managed to drag my ass out of bed, had breakfast with my dads and then headed up to my room to write. All my egos were calm and the day continued without a hitch. Until about 10, when someone threw pebbles at my window. I looked up from my laptop, completely confused, before walking to the window. I looked out the glass pane and beamed when I saw who was throwing the tiny rocks.

"Chase!" I called, excited to see him. I hadn't seen him much since he moved out with Stacy, but every time I did it was awesome.

"Why don't you come down, Lass?" He didn't have to tell me twice. I jumped out the large window, landing on my feet in the backyard.

"That was so cool," Chase grinned, tackling me in a bear hug.

"That was incredibly dangerous," A female voice sneered. I pulled away from Chase to locate the sound.

"Oh. Hi, you must be Stacy. Sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm Melody," I smiled at the brunette woman with dark green eyes.

"I know," She said, looking annoyed.

"So what brings you to these parts?" I asked, confused.

"Well, I thought you should meet Stacy, Samantha, and Greyson, but Stacy insisted on meeting you first," Chase answered sheepishly.

"I understand. So, what do you want to know?" I asked, turning my attention back to Stacy.

"Well, Chase hasn't told me much about you other than you're his adopted daughter. What do you think I should know?"

"He didn't tell you what I am?" I asked, shocked.

"Human, if I had to guess."

"No, not at all. I'm originally from an alien planet called Cigam, but I was abandoned and found on the side of the street. But I'm half werewolf and half witch," I told her, and from the look on her face, she didn't believe me. So I did the only thing I could. I shifted. Her eyes went wide and she screamed bloody murder.

"Stacy! Stacy, it's ok, sweetie. She won't hurt you," Chase said, trying to calm down his wife.

"It is not ok! She turned into... into a beast! And you expect her to be around Samantha and Greyson?" Stacy asked, still in shock.

"I promise, I will never, ever hurt those kids. Ever. I don't hurt kids," I told her, shifting back and trying to keep my distance to help calm her faster.

"You're a monster! I don't want you anywhere near my kids!" Stacy screamed and Chase narrowed his eyes.

"Do not speak to her like that," Chase growled, and I was shocked. "That is my daughter you're calling a monster, and yes, she will meet Samantha and Greyson. Because they deserve to know their older sister, and she deserves to know them." I had never even heard Chase raise his voice to anyone, let alone speak to someone with the amount of venom in his voice now.

"She is not your daughter! She's a... a mutt! A mangy beast who should be locked up! And she will meet your actual children over my dead body!"

"She is every bit my daughter as Samantha is. No, we don't share blood. But we have been bonding since she was 5, and I can tell you with utmost certainty that she is not a mutt or a beat but she is my daughter. And you will not speak to her like an animal." Chase was seething at this point. I didn't realize I meant so much to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, letting my healing magic calm him down. He turned to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd behave like a two year old."

"Not everyone immediately accepts what I am, dad. Not even Dark reacted well, remember? It's ok, she's entitled to her opinions. But I hope you'll allow me to show you more than just one side of me," I turned my attention to Stacy.

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