The Car Wreck

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You and Luca(My Character) were dating. Sadly the two of you don't see each other often due to living in different states. In fact the two of you haven't even met other than the text messages the two of you have sent to each other. One day Luca texts you and says that he's visiting the state and city you live in because of a job offer. You immediately grow excited because this could be the chance the two of you could meet. You tell him that he's welcomed to stay at your place so that way he wouldn't pay for a hotel. He agrees to your idea and that he should be there by Friday. Friday rolls around and your excited. He had said that he should be there by noon. Noon soon comes but he still hasn't arrived. You just think that traffic must be bad and he's running late. Almost an hour goes by and he still hasn't come. You start to become worried. After almost two hours your phone goes off. You quickly answer it and nearly drop your phone. On the other end is a doctor from the local hospital. He tells you that Luca was in a pretty bad car wreck and that your number was on the contact sheet. You tell him that you'll be right over. You quickly hang up and grab your keys. You rush to the hospital and ask the receptionist what room Luca is in. You go to his room and open the door. You see him hooked up to a lot of machines. You feel your heartbreak at the sight. You....

Name: Luca
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pretends to be straight But is actually gay
Species: Anthropomorphic Fox

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