here we go again....

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You are just an average working adult. Everyday you wake up and head off to your job. Thankfully your one of the lucky people who got a job doing something you enjoy. You even made a few friends with some of your co-workers. Now, there is something you need to know about your world. Your world is filled with creatures known as hybrids. Each hybrid has a different classifications. Those classifications are; Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Mythical. Common hybrids are your typical house pet hybrids like dogs or cats. Uncommon hybrids are usually hybrids of wild animals. Rare, like uncommon hybrids, are wild animal hybrids but of rare species. Mythical is just like one would expect. They are hybrids of mythical creatures. Now back to you. You aren't a hybrid but your friends with an uncommon one. One day, he approaches you holding two slips of paper that looks suspiciously like tickets. He explains how they're tickets to an underground event. This peaks your interest. He also says that a buddy of his backed out on going. He asks if you wanted to go as the event is being held that night. You think for a second before agreeing. He smiles and tells you where to meet him. Later that night, you meet up with him. The two of you then head to where the event, which you still have no idea what it is, is being held. When the two of you arrive, you can't help to notice that the area looks like an arena of sorts. Thats when the thought hits you. This is a fighting arena for illegal hybrid fights. You heard of these things from other coworkers and friends. These fights are usually between two mythical hybrids. Its not long before the event starts up. You sit and shake with nervousness and excitement. Soon the hybrids are revealed to be two dragon hybrids. You look at them and notice that both seem very unhealthy. One of them is clearly an earth dragon. The other dragon is a storm dragon. The earth dragon lets out a mighty roar and charges the other dragon with his claws extended. The fight doesn't last long. The Earth dragon is victorious. He and the other dragon, who is knocked out, get escorted out of the arena. You turn to your friend and he looks at you. "Wanna go see the victor?" He asks you. You nod your head at this. You, even though you liked the fight, your worried about him. A short time later, you and your friend find yourself in front of a cage holding the victorious dragon. You....

Species:(can't be a hybrid)

Name: Zyaoul(prefers to be called Z)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Earth Dragon hybrid
Sexuality: ????

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