Your dead BF back from the grave

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You and Chris were dating. You thought the two of you told each other everything. Sadly not. You were too in love with him to notice his increasing depression. You finally notice it when it was too late to save him. You got woken up early one morning by your phone ringing loudly. You groan and answer it with a groggy hello. It's Chris calling you. He only says one word before hanging up. That word was goodbye. You instantly can tell something was up and quickly got dressed and rush over to his place. As you run inside his place you freeze when you hear a gun shot. You waste no time in calling an ambulance. While on the phone you rush to the room the shot came from. What you saw nearly caused you to throw up. Laying in a giant pool of blood is Chris. A gun is in his limp hand. You quick try to find a pulse but there was none. You start to cry since he had been successful. A few minuets later the ambulance arrives and takes Chris away. You call his parents in tears and tell them the news. They too were in the blind about his depression and start to cry. They don't blame you because they know how much you loved him. A few months go by and your slowly moving on. However as the months go by, you swear you see Chris everywhere. You know that he was dead. Hell you even went to his funeral. Yet you see him everywhere. You start to think that  you had finally lost it. One night your sleeping when you wake up from a dream. It was around midnight when you had woken up. You decide to get up to use the bathroom. As you are about to get up, you freeze. At the foot of the bed was Chris. You first thought that it was just you imaging things due to you still being half asleep. However that quickly got dismissed as he turns and looks at you. You look at him and nearly start to cry. He looks exactly the same besides the fact that he looks vaguely transparent. You....

Name: Chris
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: BI
Species: Human when alive but now a ghost

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