Chapter 4 (BamBam)

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Downstairs were dark and only few light bulbs were guiding us down to the Underground rap show thing. But, I have to say... This place is awesome. The whole thing was really big and the stage had rappers around the whole shouting out freestyles or performing their songs. There were lights, pool tables, food stands, and DJ playing. I was in awe when the place was pack with people. I was so into the atmosphere that Xiumin was pulling my arm.

"So... We're here to battle other rappers for money?" Xiumin asked, looking around.

"What? No way! We're here to watch and have fun. They have a acarde room around here somewhere." Shelldon said, while he was dancing along with Ringa Linga. Both me and Xiumin said wow as we headed to a tall muscluar man with a box in front of him.

"This is where he clips our tickets so we can get in, but I already had the owner upstairs to do it for us." Shelldon informed. We all looked at our tickets and I noticed numbers on the side.

"What are the numbers for?" Xiumin asked.

"Oh, those numbers are for when they call you to meet one of the rappers or battle them." He smiled.

"In rapping...?" Xiumin asked, looking nervous.

"And... There's a and, my adorable Baozi. Also dancing. You get to rap or dance againest them when they call your number on your ticket."

"Oh... Cool." I said.

"Shelldon... How do you know all of this?" Xiumin asked.

"Oh! I was down here with Daisake when we first moved to South Korea. It was so much fun and they have soooo much stuff around here. A chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel fountain with great fried or bake foods and acrade room, but last and not least..." Shelldon pointed at the front, "The stage!" I have to admit this place seem like heaven and I don't want to leave.

"This is awesome... And the DJ plays a nice beat too." Xiumin said as he was bobbing his head with the beat of the song.

"Hey, lets go stand in the front so we can get great seats." Shelldon said.  Xiumin and I both nodded then move through the crowds so we can get front row seats. The place was packed and not for long, the MC came on stage to announce the next rappers.

"Alllllllrrrrriiggghhhhhhhttttt. Who's ready to make some NOIIISSSSEE in this here Mouthfucker?!" Everyone screamed and hollered as the DJ throw in a couple of beats.

"The MC is sexy." I heard Xiumin said as he couldn't stop looking at him. The rapper had blue hair and thick lips with a muslcuar frame on his body. He was tall and his voice was deep and had bass in it. I, too agreed with Xiumin. This guy right here is sexy.

"Alright, lets get this shit started. Now, as you know, I was the champion every year and now I'm here to see which guy can spit the most raps and take my title." Everyone cheered and screamed out the top of their lungs. We all looked at each other then started to join them.

"You guys ready?"


"Okay... What's my name?" He asked, winking at the crowd. I looked at Shelldon and he looked back at me. We wonder who was he winking at?


"That's right! Okay! Now on the left side, we have New York rapper, Felix." The crowd was screaming then chant his name."Calm down babies... Calm down." I heard Xiumin giggling as Shelldon was smiling like an idiot.

"He is one of my favorites in here." Shelldon informed us as we giggle how deep his voice was. The MC stopped and look down where we were and I swear our hearts stop.

"Hey baby... Did I hear you say I'm your favorite?" He said in the mic with a sexy look on his face as he licked his lips. We all looked at each other then started to blush. Shelldon was first to shake his head yes as Xiumin smiled at him while I was too shy to look up.

"Aaw thank you babies. I'll make sure to see you beauties after this. Okay?" We all shook our heads yes then he continue to announce the crowd.

"Sorry... I got distracted by three sexy  babies right here." The crowd was laughing and staring at us. I looked down until he lift my chin and kiss my cheeks, "Baby don't be shy. You're so beautiful and so are your friends." I smiled then said thank you as we looked at each other blushing like crazy.

"Your voice is sexy." Xiumin said, giggling. I swear I heard other girls giggling as well. The MC smiled then kiss Xiumin's hand then kissed Shelldon on his cheek. Shelldon's face was red until he screamed like a fangirl then faint before we caught him. I looked up at him and he gives us a sexy wink.

Okay... This guy right here is HOT!!!! But not as hot as my Wild and Sexy Jackson. I giggled as his face came up in my mind.

I must have been daydreaming long until the second rapper came on stage and the the rap battle begin. I look over to see Xiumin fanning Shelldon with his ticket. Couple of shouting his name, Shelldon started to wake up.

"What happened?" He asked. Both Xiumin and I started to laugh then Shelldon joined in with us.

"You fainted when the MC kissed y..."

"On the lips?" He screamed.

"No... On the cheek, but he kiss Xiumin's hand then he kiss my cheek." I said, as Xiumin was blushing then Shelldon fold his arms.

"The life of a fanboy is so cruel." Shelldon said with a sad face until we all burst out laughing.

"You screamed like a girl." I said, wiping a tear.

"Well... We all giggled like one then. " Xiumin said as he hug me and Shelldon. We hugged him back until I saw a new face on stage. He had reddish hair with full lips and round eyes. He was wearing colorful jacket with black shirt and jeans with a gold necklace. He was attractive... No... He was .... Beautiful. The most beautiful man I seen besides Jackson, but something about him was interesting. He was the quiet and shy type, but once you get to know him, I bet he was funny, outgoing, and sweet. Yongguk gave him the mic as he stood center stage with another rapper. Who is he? What's his name? Everyone was getting ready to hear them until Yongguk MC said something

"Now give up to the undefeated champion. The pretty boys, you wish to be. Mark and JR." The crowd went nuts when their names were aired.

So... His name is Mark.

Yay!!!! That was the end of chapter 4 and probably tomorrow I update chapter 5 and 6. Maybe 7? I don't know, but I hope I did a good job describing Mark and Bang Yongguk from B.A.P. I had a feeling you guys might know who the MC was, but maybe not. Well, good night or good morning where you live and enjoy reading.

P.S. Do you like Shelldon and his fanboy reaction? 

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