Chapter 24

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*singing voice* Beautiful dreamer...Something something something Starlight and blue birds are waiting for me. Oh hey! Sorry, now here we go with the infamous Jackson and BamBam drama.

"Bammie... You're still beautiful baby."

"Jackson...? Wh... What are you doing here?" I couldn't believe it... What was Jackson doing here... Why? He did say that he was coming home after a year or two, but on Mark's birthday.... Oh shit! Where is Mark? I was going to look for him, but Jackson... Oh Jackson... He looks great with a more muscluar body and nice frame. My eyes were wondering down until I stop myself.

"You broke up me... You left me without talking to me. You never gave me a chance to talk it out over a misunderstanding. If you want to know why I'm here because I finished my tour." Jackson looked more serious and manly at the same time. I competely forgot about Xiumin and Shelldon who were right behind me.

"Well... Well... Well. Look who decides to come to his ex's boyfriend's boyfriends' birthday party. Hello Jackson Wang... I see your face gotten fat!" Shelldon folded his arms with a grin of happiness on his insult. The insult wasn't even... Well... I wouldn't call it a insult, but Shelldon tried his best.

"Bammie?" I almost cringed when he called me Bammie. The nickname he gave me when we first meet. I loved the way he called me Bammie and how the his voice sounds. Jackson walked up to me and gave me a tight hug where I felt something. This hug was filled with love and happiness that he alway used me. If he is engaged then why is he holding me as if I still belong to him? I pulled away from him until he kissed me. Xiumin gasped while Shelldon covered his mouth in shock. I fall deep into the kiss then suddenly Mark's face came up in my head. I pushed Jackson away then wipe my lips. Deep down. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach and lips. Oh god... Please don't tell me that I'm still in love with Jackson...

"Xiumin... Wow you look great. Did you have the baby?" Jackson turned to Xiumin with his mouth still opened.

"Yes! He did... Where is Michelle? Mr. Little Wang!" Shelldon said, glaring at Jackson.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. Michelle is..."

"A boyfriend stealer? A slut? A bitch whorebag?... All of the above."


"Jackson, I have a boyfriend!" I said, out loud looking away from him.

"Damn straight!" Shelldom ecohed.

I looked at him and saw a sad heart crushed look on his face. The more I look at him, it looks like he can't breathe or might die. But why? He has Michelle... Wait! If he acts like that then... The two aren't together?

"What...? A boyfriend? You have someone else?" Jackson looked depressed and a single tear was about to fall down his cheek. What? Why are you like this?


Oh no...

I turned around to see Mark put his arm around me and kissed my lips. Mark's lips were yummy, but the feel from Jackson's still gave me butterflies.
No no no no no no no!


Mark looked up at Jackson. Shit!  And his face became curious, but once he said it. I think Mark knew who this was.

"I'm sorry, but this is a birthday party with close friends only. You might have to leave now." I sigh in relief knowing that Mark doesn't know who Jackson was.

"... Jackson..." Oh damn... Jackson looked at Mark up and down then roll his eyes with disgust. You don't know him, Jackson...

"So... You're the one that took my Bammie away from me, huh?" Jackson said, as he pulled me away from Mark. I looked at Xiumin who was about to intervein until Shelldon stopped him with popcorn in his hand.

"Shelldon?" Xiumin looked at him.

"Shh hyung, this is getting good. I want to see who win." He said, eating more popcorn.

The two kept glaring at each other until Mark smirked then got in Jackson's face.

"You better get your hands off of BamBam before I kick your ass." Mark growled. I was a little scared of Mark's reaction, but I was worried about Jackson.

"The pretty boys are always hot when they get pissed." Shelldon commented. Xiumin glared at Shelldon to shut up and he did.

"Go ahead Mark. You do that, but first let me take my Bammie out of here so we can talk." Jackson looked at me then pulled me away from everyone. Mark grabbed me quickly then pushed me behind me without taking an eye off of Jackson. Shelldon kept munching on the popcorn while Xiumin was looking around nervous.

"Guys, you need to stop it." Xiumin said, getting between the two. Jackson step Xiumin aside then walked up to Mark glaring.

"Jackson, I'm not yours anymore. Besides what about...?"

"Michelle is with her wife in Taiwan right now."  I look back at Jackson then Mark and back to Jackson.

"WHAT?!" Mark, Xiumin and Shelldon screamed in unison. Mark's eyes were wide in surprise yet confusion, Xiumin's jaw dropped and Shelldon almost choke on his popcorn. Wait... Michelle has a girlfriend? No... A wife? But... What about the pictures and what Suzy said...? The fuck...?

"I need a drink." Shelldon coughed as Xiumin pat him on the back. Mark wiped away his shock look with an annoyed one.

"Please leave now or I'll call security." Mark said. Jackson just laughed... Oh... I missed his.... What the fuck BamBam? Stop it!

"You don't own this shit! It maybe your birthday, but you're not special." Jackson rolled his eyes at Mark then looked at me,

"Bammie... We need to talk." Jackson said then he blew me a kiss just before he glared at Mark. Jackson soon walked away and head over to Mr. Park at the entry.

"You don't need to talk to him." Mark yelled once he held me.

"Fuck you Mark!" Jackson flipped Mark off as he continued to walk off.

"That's why I have my Bammie for."

"You piece of..."

"Do something Jackson!" Mark yelled.


I screamed at the top of my voice which made the two stop agruing. I pushed Mark away then ran off with a headache and embarrassed look on my face. Jackson is here now... Fuck! Mark and Jackson will soon kill each other... Damn it! People were watching the whole thing and now I'm confused. Just because Jackson isn't with Michelle doesn't mean I'll leave Mark. No... I love Mark.

I decided to walk home, not caring about the party. A car pulled up and I continue to ignore it.


I turmed to see Xiumin and Shelldon in the car looking at me. I smiled at the two then got inside the backseat.

"Are you ok?" Xuimin asked.

"No... Let's go to McDonalds..."

Wow... That was a... Wow. This chapter was fun for me to chapter and the whole agrument was interesting. I hope you guys like it and stay tuned for chapter 25.

Bye bye!

"Its me or him? Choose BamBam."Where stories live. Discover now