Chapter 2 (BamBam)

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Once I fixed my brown and pink hair, I look at myself in the mirror then do a little dance from Girl's day just for random fun. I assumed that I was alone until I notice Jackson laughing as he  came out of the bathroom.

"Bammie, I like the way you shake your butt, baby." Jackson grin as he start to shake his butt.

"Let's take a picture together, before I leave." I said. Jackson smiled then moved himself towards me. I kiss him on the cheek as he took a couple of pictures. The last two pictures was me and Jackson doing ageyo then last one, a kiss on the lips.

"Well, this will be a great wallpaper on my phone." Jackson showed me one of  the pic where we kissed. I automatically started to blush then kissed him again.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." Jackson smiled.

I hugged him tight until I look at myself one last time in the mirror.

"You're beautiful baby." I looked at Jackson then smiled. He always tell me the moment I wake up and go to sleep that I was beautiful and I believe him no doubt. I just giggled at the big idiot- well.. He's my big idiot.

"Thank you hyung. Have fun at work and come home on time." I gave him a stern look, but slowly it turn to a smile. Jackson's job was a dance choreographer and he is a talented one. We meet four years ago at his dance class. That is how I meet my everything.

"Alright, mommy.... Jackson won't be late." Jackson pouted then stick his tongue out laughing.

"You're such a baby!!" I laughed.

"I'm your big baby.... baby." He said with his cute high pitch hyena laugh. Man... His laugh is so addicting, it makes you want to laugh. I shook my head then grab my phone and keys.

"I'll see you later, Jackson."

"I love you baby." He said. Before I close the door, I turn around and blew him a kiss.

"I love you too." I close the door and walk downstairs to the living room, knowing that Shelldon and Xiumin might be watching TV.

"What are you guys watching?" I asked when I reach to the last step. Xiumin turn around and smile while Shelldon was too busy watching TV.

"We're watching Running Man. Shelldon never seen it before, so I'm showing it to him." Xiumin informed. Shelldon's eyes were glued to the show and it look like Shelldon loves it.

Shelldon sure loves this show... Man, he's so odd, but funny. I stared at for a few minutes until I looked back at the screen. 

I met Shelldon when I was still leaving in Thailand while he was studying abroad. Shelldon was funny, hyperactive, smart, lazy and crazy--- but in a great way. Shelldon is half Japanese and half African American, but you can see more Japanese then black. He lived in Japan all his life until he move to United States at the age of 10. Once you look at him, you can see that he has single and a double eyelid which is very rare to see some Asian ethnics have. He has a skinny body, but he can eat forever and always, yet he never gains weight, only 5 pounds then he loses it. Weird... And the little snot is pretty lucky and it's unfair. Haha! He has a tan skin tone and black wavy hair with a semi-small face with a V shape jawline. Shelldon moved  to Seoul with his Aunt, older sister Miley, and his twin identical brother, Davis because his Aunt has a cooking job here.The only thing about Shelldon and Davis is different is Davis dye his hair honey comb brown.

"How's the show?" I asked. Shelldon was still looking at the screen and didn't answer my question. Me and Xiumin share a look and laughed. Shelldon, just like me learned Korean and some of his pronunication are not good. When Shelldon wanted to say "hi, it's nice to meet you." to Xiumin when we first meet him. Instead the proper way to say it, Shelldon instead said "I want to die in pig's fart". Poor Shelldon...

He thought he said it right and looked confident, but Xiumin glared at him then cursed him out. I didn't know what the outcome will be, but once I clear the air with both of them. Shelldon and Xiumin became best friends shortly afterwards. I noticed that Shelldon wasn't going to pay attention, so I got up and turn the TV off.

"Wait! Why? Why did you turn the TV off for?" He pouted.

"Because we had somewhere to be, remember?" I said, walking out the door.

Shelldon looked clueless and annoyed until he started to remember.

"Ooh yeah... Yeah! Let's go now." He said in Japanese. He move past both of us then run straight to the car. Both Xiumin and I had a confused look on our faces.

"Sorry, hyungs." He said giggling. I just laugh at him. Whenever Shelldon is excited and happy, he speaks Japanese then leaves us confused.

"It's ok. I think you said lets go?" Xiumin said while he got in the driver's seat. I closed the door then to the front seat.

"Yeah. I did said that. Wow hyung your and BamBam hyung's Japanese is improving." He said.

"Yeah, but thanks to you teaching us english." I said. Shelldon start rubbing his neck then started laughing.

"Your welcome. I'm glad to help." We all laugh as soon as Xiumin pull us out of the driveway.

Ok that's the end of Chapter 2. Yay!!!!! *starts dancing to Super Junior* I don't think there should be a part 2 for this chapter, but I'll think about. I hope you guys like it and vote. If you guys have any suggestion, just comment below or talk I'm here. Mostly reading kpop boyxboy smut or kpop imagines. Those are genius. Well have a great day!! Byyyyeeeeee \^_^/*

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