Chapter 16 (BamBam)

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WHOOP WHOOP!!! ON CHAPTER 16 WITH MY CREW! So much typing and hurting cramped thumbs are not ok, but for guys it's worth it!


"Jackson... Can you stay longer?" I asked, whining.

Today was the day when Jackson leaves for LA and I'm not happy one bit. We were at the airport and his flight will go in 30 minutes. Xiumin and Shelldon came to say goodbye to Jackson and bought gifts for him.

"Baby... Please don't cry. You promised me that you wouldn't cry in front of me." Jackson said. I noticed a single tear falls down his cheek which made me cry harder.

"Oh BamBam." Xiumin said, trying not to cry himself while Shelldon on the other hand, was eating Pocky.

"Can we give Jackson our gifts now?" He asked. Xiumin smacked Shelldon in the head then put his finger on his lip.


"No." Jackson wiped a tear and mine, "I want to see your gifts." Jackson said, forcing a smile on his face.

"Oh... Oh... Ooooh me. Oh me me me me! Pick me!" Shelldon was waving his hand in the air gaining strangers' attention. Both Xiumin and I sigh while Jackson was laughing.

"Oook... I'll piiccckkkk.... Xiumin!" Jackson pointed at Xiumin making Shelldon sad.

"Aaaaw... Jackson, you suck ducks." Shelldon said, folding his arms.

"Ok, Jackson I made you some Baozi and a t shirt that says Wild&Sexy on it." Xiumin gave Jackson his gift.

"I love it. Thanks." He smiled, "Ok, now BamBam, where is your gift to me?" Jackson said. I smiled at him while Shelldon glared.

"My gift to you is my love and you just have to wait to see it when you get back." Jackson smiled then kissed my lips softly.

"Fine, baby BamBam." He sanged, "Alright Shelldon now its your turn." Shelldon smiled as he gave Jackson a folded stack of papers. We were all confused and look at each other.

"Here is the list of great foods and Korean places to eat in LA. So you wouldn't miss Korea's food." Shelldon gave him a shy smile. Jackson open the paper and saw the numerous places to see.

"Thanks Shelldon... Thanks you guys. I'm going to miss you guys so much."

Flight 345 will departure in 10 minutes

The intercom announced Jackson's flight and we all looked at each other sad. Jackson is leaving in ten minutes and I'll be in the house by myself.

"I'm going to miss you Bammie." I looked at Jackson surprised. Jackson had tears running down his face while I was crying myself. I hugged Jackson tight as each minute began unbearable.

"I love you Jackson." I said, kissing his lips for the last time. We both had our make out session with tongue swirl around. As each minute we kiss, it feels like we were in our own little world.


"Umm... BamBam... Jackson has about seven minutes to go." Shelldon said, poking on my shoulder. Jackson and I stopped then look at each other.

"Goodbye BamBam." Jackson let go of me then grabbed his bags. I gave him one last hug then kissed him again.

"Goodbye Jackson... I love you." I said, wiping my tears away. Xiumin and Shelldon came towards me and hugged me. Jackson hugged all of us until the intercom came on.

Five minutes for Flight 345

"I have to go guys... I love you all so much." He said. We all nod and then Jackson walked away to the plane.
Come on BamBam... Just wait until he got in his plane so you can cry. No Jackson don't look back. Don't wave at me with that face. No... Don't cry.

It was so late for us, we were both crying and then he went inside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Two months later)~~~

He hasn't skype call me in a month and everytime I called him, we only talk for a few minutes then hangs up. I know I should be grateful that we even get to talk to each other, but something wasn't right. I check my phone twice to see text message or call. Except from Mark. We became good friends and we talk almost everyday about anything. I like Mark, but only as a friend and nothing isn't going to change that. I sat in front of my laptop waiting to hear from Jackson until Shelldon walks through the front door.

"BamBam... Are you ok? Have you heard anything from Jackson?" He asked.


"Text message?"

"Last month."


"Last month.!

"Phone call?"

I sighed the closed my laptop, "Four weeks ago. Shelldon, we haven't got the chance to talk."

"I know its hard BamBam. Jackson has a crazy shecdule and you should be grateful that you even get chances to speak to him. Even of its not hours or all day you two talk, but little moments are worth sharing and being happy."

When did this kid...?

"How do you know so much about long distance relationships?" I arched an eyebrow at Shelldon with a smile.

"I watch and take note from Miley's. I learned a lot." He said smiling. I could help, but laugh at Shelldon until I recieve a call on Skype. I answered it to see it was my Jackson.

"Jackson!" I yelled.

"Bammie! I missed you."

"I missed you too." I said, smiling.

"Do you guys have to yell? Is the mic broken?" Shelldon said, covering his ears. I stick my tongue out then bought my attention to Jackson.

"Ha ha! Is that Shelldon?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. He asked why we're yelling at each other." I said.

"Because I miss my Bammie so much that it hurts. I can only talk to you in a few since we have to start working again." Jackson kissed the camera and smiled.

"Did he really...?"

"Shelldon, there's a zebra cake in the frig."

I said, hoping I distract the boy from ruining this moment. Thankful Shelldon believed me and went running to find the Zebra Cake.

"Shelldon is going to be so mad when he can't find that Zebra Cake." Jackson laughed quietly.

"Jackson, please get some rest, ok? I want you healthy baby." I said, kissing the camera. Jackson did the same then we began staring at each other smiling.

"I'll let you get some sleep, ok?" I said.

"Alright! I love you Bammie."

"I love you too, Jackson." I smiled.

"Good night." I said, waving at him.

"Good morning BamBam." He said kissing the screen then turned off. I closed my laptop and sit back smiling nonstop until Shelldon came back with a serious look on his face.

"What? Whats wrong with you?" I asked, trying to hold in my laughter.

"There's only one Zebra Cake left." He pouted then grab his stuff.

"Ok Shelldon. Let me get the present and text Mark where Xiumin's place is... Oh by the way Shelldon?"


"How did Mark get my number?"

"Ummm... Well... You see..."

Booo YAYAYAYA!!!!!! CHAPTER 16 HAS BEEN FINISHED EVERYONE! Thank you guys for commenting and reading my story. Even better, there are those who do all three and it makes me happy.


"Its me or him? Choose BamBam."Where stories live. Discover now