Chapter 29

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Hello kpop addicts. I'm going to warn you that this chapter is going to be a little short, but please be patient for the next two chapters that will be update tonight.

I will stop my author's note and continue on the chapter.

START OFF!!! \^_^/

We're going on a trip
We're going on a trip
To see Mr. PARK
At the famous JYP

Shelldon has been singing that verse he made up to Luhan over and over. I swear when Luhan tries to sing along while umma is putting a jacket on him is sooo cute.

"Luhan, please hold still so umma can get your jacket on." Xiumin was successful as he zip him up then grab his hat.


"Ne?" Xiumin said putting on his hat.

"Umma! What are you doing?" Luhan asked, while holding on to my leg, "I'm putting on my hat, Luhan."


"Yes baby?"

"What are you doing?" Luhan asked again. That was the only phase Luhan can talk then after that is gibberish and you have no idea what he's saying. Shelldon and I laugh as Luhan was "talking" to Xiumin about something.

"Umma!" This time Luhan was running to Xiumin as he picked him up, "Yes Luhan? What are you trying to tell umma?"

"Hwt." Luhan giggled. Xiumin smiled then kissed Luhan's cheek.

"What is he saying? Hot?" Shelldon asked.

"I think he's saying hat, Shelldon. Right Kim Lu Han?" I walked over and kissed Luhan's adorable cheeks. He giggled then stared at his umma with his umma's eyes, "Hmph!" He said, nodding his head cutely.

"Aaaawwww." We all said in sync while Luhan was coping us right after.

"Alright everyone... Now, let's go to the car and go to JYP."


~~~~~~~~~~JYP ENTERTAINMENT~~~~~~~~
*whispers  JYP*

We walked through the door and noticed Mr.Park was standing at the desk with a clerk. Luhan let go of Xiumin's hand and ran straight to Mr. Park and bowed to him.

"Hai." Luhan said, waving and bowing to JYP. Xiumin smiled in embarassment, Shelldon laughed while I walked to him and greeted JYP.

"Hello Mr. Park." I bowed then picked up Luhan.

"BamBam, I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah... Umm... Why am I here? And who are the flowers for?" I pointed to a bouquet of White Lily. Luhan reaches his hand out to hold one as JYP gave him a Lily. Luhan smiled then turn around his head to look at Xiumin, "Umma." He hand Xiumin a Lily while smiling. Xiumin giggled then gave Luhan a kiss.

"Aaaw thank you sweetie." Xiumin said, as Luhan went into Xiumin's arms. I smiled then look at the bouquet and JYP.

"Aaw what a cute baby... Oh, these are for you BamBam." JYP hand me the bouquet with my name on the card. I took it out as it reads.

Turn around to your left.


I turn around just like the card said and see Mark dressing in a tux with my family and the company behind him. The three of us was shocked while Luhan, on the other hand, was saying hi and waving at them. I ran to Mark and give him a hug. What was going on? Why is my family here?


"BamBam... Kunpimook Bhuwakul. I love you so much and you mean the world to me. I plan all of this so you can see your family and everyone." I was crying for joy knowing that my parents and siblings are here in front of me. I hugged Mark and kissed him so hard.

"Is anyone going to comment on how accurate Mark's pronunication on BamBam's name? No? Ok." Shelldon commented, but Xiumin shushed him.

I look at the two laughing until Shelldon's jaw dropped and Xiumin had a surprised look on his face. My family was smiling as everybody else were cheering for joy.


I turned around and saw Mark was on one knee as he pulled out a mini box out of his pocket. Wait... What he is doing? No... Don't tell me that...

"BamBam... Will you marry me?" Mark asked, as I saw a single tear shed on his face. Everyone was staring and pictures while Baozi and Airhead look like they seen a ghost. I look back at Mark with a dumbfounded look on my face. Shelldon was shaking Xiumin's attention and pointed at someone at the door.

"I can't live without you and I know I can't be like him, but I know I'll love you the way you want to be loved. Will you marry me, BamBam?"

I haven't cried this much in a long time. My heart was beating fast and my legs feel like their becoming jello. I smiled at Mark then nod.

"Yes Mark... I will marry you." I finally said. Mark smiled as he put the ring on my finger. He got up and hugged me so tight. I look over Xiumin and Shelldon then noticed that they didn't look happy, but uncomfortable. I look to where they were staring at the door and see Jackson?

Ooh snap! *snaps finger then roll neck* Wow.... I understand you guys may feel shock, outraged, happy, unconfused or the power to come all the way to S.C with torches and guns then come after me... No? Ok... Well thank you for reading and stay tuned for Chapter 30 and 31.

Bye bye!

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