Chapter 3 (BamBam)

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I'm sorry if this chapter is short since I'm not in a good mood. Anyway.... Here you go.

We were driving downtown in Seoul as Xiumin crank the music up. The first song that came on was Alone by U Kiss and afterwards we rate how hot the members were.

"I like Kevin. Kevin is so adorable and his voice is sweet also gentle. I can totally be his girlfriend if I was a girl." Shelldon said as he start eating Devil's Cakes. Shelldon is so addicted to those and he eats them everyday... Nonstop.

"Those are not healthy, Shelldon. If you keep eating them like you do now then you'll get fat." Xiumin said and I laughed. Shelldon stop eating then looked up at Xiumin with his arms folded.

"Xiumin... I weigh about 107 pounds and for some reason I don't gain any weight and esides... Devil's Cakes are my babies." Shelldon was holding one againest his cheek and starts eating again. I shake my head at him while Xiumin rolled his eyes.

"So...Where are we going, Shelldon?" Xuimin asked. I quickly looked at me then back at the road.

"You don't know?" I was confused then looked back at Shelldon with a smile on his face.

"We're close. Just turn on the right and park at the Pet's Store." He said, licking the icing off his fingers. Xiumin did what Shelldon said then park at the front of the pet's store.

"This is where you're taking us? I thought we're going to play video games at your house." I said as we were getting out.

Shelldon got out of the back then walk straight in the store. Me and Xiumin looked at each other the follow behind Shelldon. sigh. Shelldon was always full of surprise and secerts. Before I could go inside, Xiumin stopped me and pointed at Shelldon and the owner. I noticed that they were both whispering in each other ears until the owner gave Shelldon three tickets. Ok... Now we're really confused. Shelldon bowed to the man and walk back outside with us.

"Hyungs! Here you go. Now, lets go inside." Shelldon turned around, but both Xiumin and I stopped him.

"What is this?" Xiumin asked, looking at the tickets.

"Tickets." Shelldon anwsered.

I rolled my eyes then smacked him on the back of the head. Of course, Shelldon winced in pain.

"We know that Shelldon. What are they for?" I asked, staring at the sneaky boy. But, of course, Shelldon smiled then opened the door.

"It's a sursprise." Before I even knew better, I shrugged my shoulders then walked inside with Xiumin and Shelldon. We past some animals and customers until I noticed that we were walking into the back. The store had a back door that lead to the basement. THAT'S IT!!!! NOOOO WAY!!! I stopped before we walked downstairs.

"Shelldon... What is the meaning of this?" Xiumin asked before I did.

"Ok." Shelldon said as gathered us around. I guess this was a secert or something?

"Below in this very own pet store is an underground rap competition. All the coolest rappers or inspired artists go down there to rap battle other rappers and win money."

Shelldon smiled then dragged us downstairs with a grin.

So... What do you guys think? I'm sorry if this chapter is short, but I'm happy to see people already reading this story. Chapter 4 is coming up next and please like, comment, or vote. I love you kpop addicts. Goodbye!!!

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