Victims Of A Crime

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Rain was falling down, the people stood in front of the cemetery gates, waiting for the ceremony to start. It was a cold, January afternoon, the weather didn't help the atmosphere at all.

There were four men that stood out the most. One had his hair cut into a mohawk, but it was let down. He was young somewhere in his early twenties, short, a nose ring and warm, brown eyes were the thing that stood out the most about his features. He had his arm around a girl, she somewhere around his age. She had tears streaming down her face, she was dressed in a black, velvet dress and her dirt blond hair was pulled back in a bun.

"Oh man, that has to be Johnny and Lacey!"

"Hey, be quiet, I'm trying to listen!"

The next one was slightly taller, his piercing green eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears. His brown hair was combed back and he wore a tux. His wife was right by his side as she clung to him like a koala. Her pearly blonde hair was in a long pony tail, a black lace dress hugged her figure perfectly. The couple looked stunning, but the occasion killed the vibe.

"Yep, that's Zacky and Gena. Look at them, Dime, look at them!"

"Jesus, shut up!"

There were two other men, brothers-in-law. The taller of the two had light green eyes that were hidden behind a pair of aviators. He wore a suit and dress shoes. His green eyes were dull, bags underneath and his knuckles were bloody.

"Matt! that's Matt!"

"I swear, if you weren't already dead I'd kill you."

His brother-in-law had deep brown eyes, painful tears ran down his face freely. He didn't care about being seen, about letting down his macho facade. His hair was all over the place, his outfit was a black button-up and a pair of black dress pants. He was skinny, skinnier than he used to be, but his muscles still flexed under his shirt from how his body shook with each sob that left his mouth.

"Oh my God... Bri..."

There were two other women, the wives of the brothers-in-law. One was blonde and the other was brunette, they were twins. They clung to their husbands as they let them mourn in peace.

"Val, Mich... Why are they all crying?"

"If you were quiet so we could listen, you'll understand why! Jesus!"

After a few more minutes of waiting, the gates opened and the ceremony started. Everyone walked inside the cemetery and walked to the very back, where a brand new tombstone was added. It was big and magnificent, a name people all around the world knew all too well.

a beloved son, brother and best friend
James Owen Sullivan
"jimmy jumped into life and never touched bottom"

"That's... That's my tombstone! "

"Shut up! Please! Oh my!"

The guests laid flowers onto the dirt in front of the tombstone.

"Orchids! These are my favorite!"

Just as the preacher was ready to speak up, thunder echoed through the sky. Some people jumped, but the black-haired guitarist stood motionless, not moving a muscle.

"If you don't stop, I'll make you beg for mercy."

After a minute of silence, the ceremony started. The preacher took a deep breath and spoke with a high voice, "Today, we say our goodbye to a soul taken way too soon. James was... something special. Really special. He was one of a kind. Two weeks after his death, his family still wonders what happened. Was it their fault? Could have they prevented the death of their son, best friend and brother? Only God knows... He was way too perfect for this world. May he rest in peace. Now, we'll have the parents of Jimmy speak."

I frowned, my eyebrows furrowed as I scratched my chin. I took a breath and began to talk, but Dime shot me a look, raising a finger. He cleared his throat and leant back on the couch, watching the TV.

A man and woman named Joseph and Barbara walked in front of the crowd. They shared a long speech about their child, about his love and passion for music from an early age, about how he met his friends and how they started a band once they were done with high school. Their speech was filled with laughs and tears and after the mother wiped her tears, she looked at the sky and shook her head. She was mad, disappointed in her child-

"Hey, stop it! There's no way my mom is mad at me-"

Another round of lightning cut through the sky, shaking the ground as rain started to fall. This time even the guitarist known as Synyster Gates jumped, looking around as he wiped his eyes. He was getting confused, he knew it was going to rain, but he didn't know there was going to be a thunderstorm...

The brothers of the deceased gave their speeches, some couldn't hold it and broke down crying, Brian had to be dragged away and into his seat.

After another few hours, the ceremony ended and the guests started leaving one by one. Soon enough the only ones that stood by the grave were Matt, Brian, Zacky and Johnny along with their wives.

The raven haired guitarist wiped away his eyes as he sniffled, "I'm such a cunt, man... I can't hold my feelings."

Matt frowned as he shook his head, "That's understandable... Don't blame yourself. "

Zacky nodded as he pulled his snakebites in-between his teeth, "We all feel horrible, Bri... But we can't change anything. It's what it is. "

Johnny pulled Lacey closer, looking at the tombstone as a single tear escaped, "I hate him... I hate him so much. I can't believe he did this. "

Michelle shook her head as she put a hand on her friend's back, then went back to sit with her husband, "Hey... you know he didn't mean to. I'm sure that wherever he is, he misses us now."

Val nodded as she carefully wiped her eyes, trying not to smudge her makeup, "He loved us. And I'm sure that wherever he is, he's looking down on us right now. I can feel him."

After a moment of silence, Brian shot up from his seat, shrugging Michelle off his shoulder and disappearing out of the graveyard.

The guys looked at each other and Matt spoke up, "Leave him be. He needs some time. I'm positive he won't do anything stupid."

Lacey looked at the guys and got up as well, "Let's head to my place. I want all of us to stick together through this."

And with that, they all got into their cars and drove off.

Darrell turned off the TV and crossed his arms over his chest, "Well, now you see why you're here."

I shook my head as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I'm so stupid... I-I need to go back."

He laughed as he shook his head, leaning back in the couch, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that's not how it works. Now, let's get going. Cliff wanted to talk to you."

I sighed as I stood up from the couch, Darrell following close behind. We walked out of the apartment I was sharing with him and got in one of the elevators. I pushed the button to the first floor as Dime told me to do, then leant back against the wall, closing my eyes. I couldn't be dead, I wasn't even thirty...

Darrell turned to me and nodded reassuringly, "This' your life now, bud. You have to forget the past."

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