Until The End

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*McKenna's POV*

I was walking in an awkward silence as no other but Death walked right next to me. His "friend" Øystein was walking a few paces away from me and honestly, I could feel him staring at my ass the entire time. Lemmy was on my left, taking a drag off of his cigar from time to time as his cowboy hat covered his eyes. Dio and Cliff were up the front and Chester, along with Jeff Hanneman were walking at a slower pace as they talked.

Per turned to me as he smiled, "So... What's up?"

I just shrugged as I smiled back, "Nothing... Still wrapping my head around the fact that I'm walking around in Hell. I knew it would be hot, but damn, I never thought it would be as hot."  I paused as I looked at his outfit then chuckled, "And you're dressed in black leather. How nice."

He chuckled as he nodded, "It is kinda hot, but in my domains it's pretty much great. I mean, you feel like your skin is burning, but I actually love that. Demons are like human snakes, honestly."

Before I could reply, he grabbed me by the hand and dragged me away, just in time for some creature to try and lunge at me. I nodded my thanks as I took up my fighting stance.

The creature was tall, it's mouth was from ear to ear literally, and it's eyes were red and sunked into their sockets.

Lemmy tipped his hat before he took his fighting stance, "Looks like a Nalusa Falaya had sex with another breed. How intriguing."

The creature screeched one last time before it lunged at us.


*Matt's POV*

I sat on the floor against the wall as I stared into nowhere. Jimmy sat right next to me, mirroring my position. Everyone else was asleep, they decided it would be for the best if there were people who kept a look-out.

I heard Jimmy take a deep breath before he spoke up, "I miss your kids, man. All of the kids. I wanna play with 'em."

I smiled sadly as I nodded, "Yeah... Me too. I miss them a lot. Cash nearly cried when you didn't come to play the day after the park. River wouldn't stop asking about you. He told me that when he was younger, you used to visit often, but then you told him to keep it a secret and you just stopped visiting him."

He nodded as he played with his fingers, "Yeah, I remember that. It was hard, because we used to play a lot when he was a toddler. I taught him to pretend that he's asleep and after you guys went to bed I'd play with him."

The light bulb flickered, making me frown. However it steadied itself out and I sighed in relief. After a moment of silence, Jimmy spoke up, "I hate myself right now."

I frowned as I turned to look at him, sitting cross-legged,"Why? What's wrong, James?"

He sighed as he took a deep breath. I could see as his eyes glistened with tears, which was really unusual for him. He never really got upset.

Jimmy ran a hand through his hair, only to have it fall back over his eyes moments later, "I'm so, so stupid... First I leave you. I break y-your hearts. Brian almost died because of me. Then, I just appear ten years later and you're risking your lives for me... Sometimes I wish that I never even c-came back. Y-you just got b-back on t-track and h-here I am, ruining your lives... B-Brian had to fight against some t-thing that could have easily k-killed him!"

I just leant over and wrapped my arms around him. He buried his head in my shoulder, not moving a muscle. The only movement he did was move his hand so it was holding his side. He was in a lot of pain, I could feel it.

"Did you see how fucked up B-Bri's leg is? The scratch is big and it's deep. Yet he literally came running into the living room and he even helped Darrell. He could have easily gotten killed."

I sighed as I pulled back a little, "What are you talking about? What do you think we should do?"

After a pause, he sighed as he looked at me, "Send him back. He's expecting a kid. He already has some really bad injuries, I... I don't want anything to happen to him."

"James, I will pretend that I didn't hear you."

We both turned to look at Brian who hissed as he sat up. He got up from the couch as he hissed in pain. He slowly made his way to us as he sat down on Jimmy's other side.

After a moment of silence, he spoke up,"Jimmy, do you remember when you went to the doctors? We were seventeen. We had a check up, for the both of us. You were first and you were super scared because you always hated hospitals. I was in the waiting room and you came out, ready to cry. You just shook your head and I didn't say anything. That same night, we went to the park, to the secret spot. We got super drunk and you almost cried. You told me that you'll die before you're thirty. And do you remember what I told you?"

Jimmy kept silent as he just closed his eyes. Brian wrapped an arm around his shoulder as he smiled sadly, "I cried with you. We stood there and stared at each other, crying. Then, I just looked you in the eye and told you that I'm ready to give you my heart, if it means that you'll live a long and happy life... However, you died before I could fulfill my promise... Now, I'll do everything in my power to repay you. And if that means I'll have to fight with demons and deal with ghosts, as much as I hate them, no offense, then I'm ready to die, just so you can live on in the afterlife. You got a second chance, just like you wanted Jim. I won't let it slip away."

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